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He looked over his shoulder at her. “Would you believe I had you in mind when I bought it? Though I never expected to see you again, the private beach seemed to have a certain mermaid’s name written on it.”

His words melted her heart. “Yet you’re willing to live in my grandfather’s home so we can be together.”

“We’ll get away on weekends. Perhaps the time will come when he’ll want to live in the villa too. You never know what the future will bring.”

Darling Nico. After he’d learned he had a daughter, he wanted another child to replace the one he’d lost when his wife had died. He’d suffered a great loss.

The fact that he was willing to go through all this with Alexa proved that he’d truly loved his wife and had looked forward to the birth of their child. Not knowing of Dimitra’s existence, his need for that unfulfilled dream had gone much deeper than Alexa had realized. It explained why he was anxious to marry Alexa and have a baby.

Alexa couldn’t promise she would be pregnant that soon. But she would try to give him what he wanted because she loved him heart and soul. If it gave Nico any hope, then she was willing because she realized his suffering had been infinite. No one had a stronger will than Nico, yet not even his will could guarantee such an outcome.

Thanos and Anna met them at the villa in an estate car. After she freshened up, they were driven to the charming Church of the Assumption in the village. The tan exterior with painted red facings featured a belfry with a cross. Nico helped her out and cupped her elbow. “Are you ready?”

Alexa didn’t know what she was and couldn’t answer.

“We’re simply going to exchange vows. The ceremony will be short. The priest knows we fell in love as teenagers and he’s happy to be officiating.”

Anxious, she looked up. “Does he—”

“No,” Nico cut her off, reading her mind. “He only knows Dimitra is our daughter, nothing else. Shall we go inside?”

It was too late to back out now, not that she wanted to. They walked up the few steps into the foyer. Beyond the inner doors the narrow nave extended to the icons of saints erected at the front of the chapel. The older priest in his robes stood smiling at them.

Nico led her up the aisle. Anna and Thanos sat on the chairs in front to witness the ceremony.

“Kyría Remis? It is my pleasure to meet the woman Kýrie Angelis has chosen to marry. If you’ll join hands, we’ll begin.”

She glanced at Nico, who’d never looked more gorgeous wearing a navy dress suit to die for. It didn’t seem possible that this was going to happen. Of course this was what she’d always wanted, but not quite in this way. So rushed and secretive.

He took hold of her hand and threaded his fingers through hers, giving them a squeeze as if he could read her mind.

The priest said a prayer, then looked at Nico. “Nicholas Timon Angelis, do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife? To love her, provide for her in sickness and in health until death do you part?”

“I do,” he answered in his deep voice.

That was so short, Alexa couldn’t believe it. This ceremony was nothing like a normal Greek one. She swallowed hard as the priest stared at her. “Alexa S

oriano Remis, do you take this man to be your lawfully wedded husband? To love him, support him through sickness and health until death do you part?”

The priest didn’t know about the four-month time limit she’d forced Nico to honor. “I do.”

“Then in as much as the two of you have plighted your troth, I hereby pronounce you man and wife, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. You may exchange rings now.”

Nico reached in his breast pocket and brought out a ring with a dazzling green stone set in gold he slid on to her ring finger. Alexa hadn’t bought him a ring because she’d never thought she’d marry him. But before she’d left the house, she’d grabbed the engaged-to-be-engaged gold ring he’d sent her in his first letter.

She removed it from the finger on her right hand and reached for his left hand. It only slid partway on to his pinky finger. He recognized it at once, flashing her an all-consuming glance she couldn’t decipher.

“Congratulations. You may now kiss your bride, Kýrie Angelis.”

The brief kiss Nico gave her was almost as surprising as the shortest marriage service performed in Greek history. Had this ceremony been such a painful reminder of his first marriage, he couldn’t wait for it to be over?

Alexa didn’t know what to think as he led her to the foyer where Thanos and Anna congratulated them. The priest followed and asked them to sign the marriage document.

With that over, Nico ushered her outside to the car. Thanos drove them back to the villa. When they entered the villa, Nico guided her to the patio.

“Anna is serving us lunch out here.”

They sat beneath the umbrella. There was no sign of an eager young bridegroom so anxious to be with his new bride that food was the last thing on his mind.

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