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His features tautened. “We became enemies the moment he found out I was Tio’s best man at their secret wedding and helped them pay for their first apartment.”

“You did that?” Nico had always been more generous than anyone she’d ever known. That quality in him had never changed, making her love him all the more.

He nodded. “His father cut off all his funds, but in time he had to make peace with Tio because Tio’s mother threatened to divorce him if he didn’t. It would have caused a scandal. The mansion Irena lives in now came from Kristos’s grandmother on Irena’s side.”

“I can’t believe he would threaten his son like that.”

“It got ugly, but the good news is, Tio married Irena. They took vows at that church we visited earlier today on our hike.”

A gasp escaped her lips. “What a beautiful place for a wedding! Why didn’t you tell Dimitra while we were up there? It would have meant everything to her.”

“That’s Irena’s story to tell. She walks a thin line when it comes to Tio’s father. He wants to turn his grandson into the personification of himself, but it’ll never happen.”

“That’s terribly sad, but how blessed she and her boys are to be able to turn to you. And Dimitra now too.”

With her emotions spilling all over the place, she got up from the table and left the restaurant to catch up with her daughter, who was standing beneath a tree near the entrance.

Dimitra hung up, then hurried toward Alexa. “It’s settled. Kristos is home and he’s going to talk to his mother right now. Baba has made everything perfect. I’m so happy I can hardly stand it! I love him so much.”

So do I, honey. So do I.

Nico walked over to them. “Do you want to do a little more shopping before we go?”

“Maybe another time, but I’d rather go back to the yacht. Kristos will be calling me soon. We have a lot to talk over.”

The amused look in Nico’s eyes told Alexa nothing was more important than that. She knew he was remembering how it was between the two of them years ago. To be together was all that had mattered. It lightened Alex’s heart that Nico acted so happy about it. She wanted to protect him from any more hurt.

They followed Dimitra to the pier. He helped them climb in the motorboat that drove them out to the yacht.

She turned to him. “How come you never took us on board your family yacht years ago?” she whispered.

He studied her features. “I wanted you to myself with no staff around. Do you wish I had?”

“What do you think?”

Something flickered in his eyes. “I’ll tell you later when we’re alone.”

Alexa hoped he meant it. Their arms brushed against each other, igniting her senses. He could probably tell how she trembled at his touch. If he only knew what was going on inside her.

Once aboard, Dimitra and Alexa went to their staterooms. The steward told her that her grandfather was in the club lounge enjoying his dinner while he watched TV. Alexa would join him in a little while, but right now she was hot and sticky. After changing into her swimming suit, she hurried to the pool and dove in the deep end. A good swim could help dampen the desire Nico had aroused in her.

* * *

Nico headed straight for the pool and was doing laps when he saw Alexa coming. His heart leaped and he swam underwater toward her. In her blue bikini, no woman would ever look as good to him as she did. He reached for her hips and turned her over before they broke water.

“Nico—” she gasped. Her hands clutched his shoulders.

“Kind of like old times isn’t it.” Unable to stop what was happening, he cupped her face and hungrily kissed the luscious mouth he’d been longing for. He’d never been able to get enough.

To his joy he was met with an equally hungry response from her. They clung to each other as if their lives depended on it, shaking him to the very core. He felt they’d gone back in time. The action took them under the water. He continued kissing her as he pulled her over to the side.

“You shouldn’t have done that,” she cried once they’d had a chance to catch their breath. After what had just transpired, he didn’t think he’d get his back. How many years had he dreamed of being with her again like this? By now she was holding on to the side of the pool with both hands, refusing to look at him.

“It came naturally for both of us, so don’t deny it.”

“I’m not,” she answered with honesty, but turned away.

Nico wasn’t ready to let her go and held her so her back lay against his chest. Her whole beautiful body trembled. He moved her hair to kiss the side of her neck. “Don’t you think it’s time we talked about us?”

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