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Their papoú smiled. “We’re glad you’re home, Alexa.”

Her daughter avoided acknowledging her.

“I couldn’t get here soon enough.” She moved closer. “I’ve just heard you’re engaged to Kristos.”

Dimitra jumped up looking shocked. “You already know?”

“Yes. Irena told your father and he just told me.”

“If you’re going to tell me we’re too young to—”

“I’m not,” Alexa interrupted her. This was the first time her daughter had said a word to her in days. “We both think you and Kristos are perfect for each other.”

Her eyes lit up. “You mean it?” she cried.

“With all my heart.”

“My father thinks so too?”

“Yes. He thinks you’re perfect and will make Kristos a wonderful wife. So do I. As you reminded me a week ago, I told you I met the one at seventeen. Now it’s your turn, and you’re eighteen.”

“Mama—” Her daughter reached for her and they hugged. Alexa’s grandfather had tears in his eyes, smiling his approval.

“Your father has offered his villa on Sarti to announce your engagement. He’s asked me to help him. But only if it’s what the two of you want.”

A cry of pure joy came out of her. “We couldn’t want anything more! All my dreams are coming true!” She hugged her papoú hard, then turned to Alexa and hugged her again. “I’ve got to phone Kristos and tell him what’s happened.”

After she disappeared, Alexa’s grandfather shared a long glance with her. “You made a very wise decision just now.”

“Don’t give me too much credit. That’s Nico’s influence. He knows more about parenting than I do.”

“I disagree. You’ve been a wonderful mother, otherwise Dimitra wouldn’t be making this kind of progress so fast.”

“You’re the wise one and I’ll love you forever.” She reached out and put her arms around him. Alexa wasn’t naive enough to think everything was perfect, but at least the three of them were functioning enough to get through this first stage. For that blessing she was beyond thankful.

* * *

Two weeks later, after college classes were over on Friday, Nico drove Alexa, Dimitra and their papoú to Sarti. He could have arranged for them to fly to Sithonia and then go on to Sarti, but the scenery was worth the drive. His daughter sat up front with him. Alexa got in the back to help her grandfather during the eighty-plus mile ride. They would stay at his villa for the weekend.

Kristos was coming by helicopter. The party would take place on Saturday afternoon. All the guests, including Irena and her family, would fly in on Saturday beforehand.

Nico still couldn’t get over the fact that three weeks ago he’d gone to Irena’s as a single man, and this afternoon he was bringing his former lover and beautiful daughter to his home. Things like this just didn’t happen in normal life.

“Baba? Where are we exactly?”

He smiled. “We’re on Sithonia, one of the three legs jutting into the Aegean from Salonica. I’ve been driving us along the coast of the Chalkidiki Peninsula.” The road wound through the base of the green mountains, making a contrast to the turquoise waters of the Aegean. Nico always found it a breathtaking sight.

“It’s so beautiful, but I thought I saw lightning above the mountains.”

“We get it in summer, but it won’t stop us from enjoying Sarti Beach tomorrow.”

“Where’s your villa?”

He could see Alexa through the rearview mirror. She was eyeing scenery she’d never viewed. By the look on her beautiful face, she was entranced.

“On the mountain overlooking the beach. You’ll love the purity of the sand and water. It’s not too deep.”

Perfect for a mermaid with chestnut hair who loved to play in the water for hours. The vision of a young Alexa who’d enthralled him from day one flashed into his mind. They were occurring more often, disturbing him whether awake or asleep.

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