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“MONIKA? I’M SO HOT I’m going for a quick swim before I’m burned to a crisp.”

Her sandy-haired friend didn’t open her eyes. “I’ll join you in a few minutes.”

Alexa Remis, almost eighteen, got up from one of the rental loungers set out along the semicrowded Perea Beach outside Salonica, otherwise called Thessaloniki, Greece. The August temperature had climbed to the high eighties, perfect for her three-week vacation before school started again on Cyprus, nearly a thousand miles away. This was only her second day of freedom from books and tests, but it would go too fast and she wanted to make the most of it.

After wading into a surreal world of turquoise water, she kept going until she could immerse herself in the deepening cobalt blue beyond. Talk about paradise! On impulse she did a series of somersaults and ended up colliding with a hard, male body who gripped her arms to steady her.

“I’m sorry!” she cried after lifting her head. Once he let go, Alexa had to tread water to stay afloat.

“It was my fault, despinis.” The sincere apology, spoken in Greek, came from the gorgeous guy staring straight into her eyes. In the afternoon sun she couldn’t tell if his eyes were black or brown between those black lashes. “I’m Nico Angelis.”

“I’m... Mara Titos.” She’d almost made her first mistake by telling him her real name. Her grandfather was the Greek ambassador in Nicosia in Cyprus. For security reasons he and her grandmother had made her promise never to reveal who she really was to anyone while on vacation. With so much political unrest there, they didn’t want Alexa to be a target for enemies.

Meeting this Adonis out swimming had thrown her off-balance. “Where did you come from, Nico?”

He pointed to a sleek white cruiser in the distance, revealing his well-defined chest. “My friends and I have been racing each other.”

“And I ruined it for you by being in your way.”

His gaze wandered over her, making her feel a voluptuous warmth that was completely different from the effect of the sun. “I didn’t watch where I was going, but believe me, I’m not complaining about running into a beautiful mermaid. I didn’t know they came with long chestnut hair and sea-green eyes.” She smiled as he asked, “Do you live here?”

“No.” Remember what you’re supposed to tell people, Alexa. “I live in France with my mom, but am on vacation until school starts.”

“You’re a long way from home. I’ve just turned nineteen and must join the Greek navy in three weeks to do my military service.”

They swam around each other. “Are you looking forward to it?”

“Not particularly. I’d much rather stay right here.”

The comment sounded so personal her heart picked up speed. “How long will you have to be gone?”

“Two years.” He studied her features, lingering on her lips. “At the moment a year sounds like a lifetime.”

“One more year in a strict French schoolroom before college sounds like a lifetime to me too.” After he chuckled, she heard voices in the distance coming from the cruiser. “I think your friends are calling to you.” But Alexa didn’t want their conversation to end.

“That’s okay. They can wait. I have more pressing matters here.” His compelling mouth broke out into a smile, turning her body to liquid. “What about you?”

Remember for security reasons that Monika has a different name too. “My cousin Leia is sunbathing. I’m staying with her and the Vasilakis family during my vacation.”

“How long are you here for?”

“Three weeks.”

“That’s perfect. It gives us time to make some plans.”

He had a masterful way about him that made her breathless. There was no guy in Europe or anywhere else who acted or looked like Nico. The dark hair plastered to his head reminded her of a copy of a statue of a young Emperor Augustus in the Archaeological Museum of Salonica she’d seen yesterday.

Monika’s p

arents, the Gatakis, who’d only recently begun working at the embassy with Alexa’s grandfather, kept a house here. They’d insisted the girls have one day of intellectual pursuits before hitting the beach for the rest of their holiday.

As far as Alexa was concerned, Nico, with his chiseled features and firm jaw, could have been a model and was so handsome, she couldn’t take her eyes off him.

“What did you have in mind?” She knew she was being picked up. Other guys had tried. Before now she’d never been tempted to break her grandparents’ rules, but this guy was different. She decided to go with it and see what happened.

“Tell your cousin you’re swimming to the cruiser with me. I know a place along the coast where we can buy food and eat on deck while we get to know each other better. I’ll bring you back before it gets too late. Wherever I’m stationed in the military, I’d like a happy memory to take with me.”

That worked both ways. “What about your friends?”

“I’ll drop them at the pier.”

So it was Nico’s boat. Alexa made a snap decision. “I’ll swim to shore and let her know.”

His smile faded. “If you don’t come back, I’ll know this meeting wasn’t meant to be after all and you really are a mermaid who’ll disappear on me.”

Alexa took off for the beach, haunted by what he’d just said. She reached the lounger dripping wet and told Monika what had happened. “He’s going to take me for a boat ride.”

Her friend jumped to her feet. “Are you crazy? Don’t you know who that is?” She sounded almost angry.

“Should I?”

“Nico Angelis is the only son of the billionaire Estefen Angelis, the famous Angelis Shipping Lines owner in Salonica. I’ve told you about him before.”

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