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I hadn’t seen Hunter in quite a while, and he’d filled out even more. Always bigger and more muscled than me, he had grown into a fine ass of a brawny guy. Just the way I liked my man.

Ever since a knee injury forced the end of my own promising rugby career, I’d been confined to watching my best friend from the sidelines.

His rugby exploits were only surpassed by his playboy status. A different beauty seemed to grace his arm at every event he attended, and I automatically looked around for his bit of pussy for the evening.

Much to my surprise he appeared alone.

His brown eyes twinkled in mischief as he gave me that one armed bro hug us men liked to indulge in. I wanted nothing more than to hold on and never let go, but as photographers’ flashes went into overdrive, I knew I couldn’t.

Hunter Daniels was quite the rugby legend these days and thus untouchable to the likes of me.

“Sam, you old dog. I haven’t seen you in ages. Look at you all spiffed up.”

Hunter grinned at me, and his gaze rested on mine with something other than mild interest…

No, that had to be my imagination surely…

The End



Doris O’Connor

Copyright © 2017

Chapter One

“Do you take this man to be your lawful wedded husband, to have and to…”

Wedding wows Naomi had heard countless times before threatened to tear her heart in two, as her best friend committed to love and be faithful to one man for the rest of his natural life. Blinking away tears, Naomi turned her back on the couple, seconds before the room erupted into loud cheers. That was it then. Josh was married, the terms of the odd will his rich-as-Croesus, and extremely eccentric Great Uncle Thomas had insisted upon, fulfilled. Never had she been more thankful for her duties as the wedding organizer as they meant no one would find her rapid departure from the room odd. She checked in with the caterers and observed the last finishing touches to the ballroom of the hotel where the reception would be held.

Outside a flock of doves took to the sky, and Naomi had to smile at the outrageously romantic gesture Josh had insisted on.

"I know it's cheesy as fuck, but I've always liked this idea, so I want thirty-nine doves. One for each year of Dawson's miserable life."

His ten years older fiancé had raised an eyebrow and flipped Josh the finger.

“Watch it, pup. Sass like that will be dealt with later. Then again, I dare say that’s what you’re hoping for.”

Josh had laughed and pulled the older man's head down for a passionate kiss, which had left Naomi rather hot and bothered. The sensible thing would have been to leave the room, but that would have made it perfectly obvious how much seeing the two of them together turned her on. It was bad enough that she had secretly lusted after her best friend for as long as she could remember, never mind his fiancé. Who did that, after all? Especially, when said friend clearly preferred men over women on the whole, and the odd women he had chosen to bed over the last ten years of their friendship had looked nothing like Naomi.

Comfortable in her size sixteen dress size, Naomi’s naturally enhanced cleavage had always ensured plenty of male attention—usually the wrong sort—after all, she was no slut. One night stands to meet college lads’ quota of I’ve fucked the fat, black girl had never been her style. Besides, Naomi had long since discovered she needed a certain amount of kink in her relationship, and after having had her fingers burned one too many times with wanna-be dominants, she’d all but given up on ever meeting her Dom. Someone like Dawson so clearly was, dammit. Another reason why Josh and she would have never worked, because as sinfully hot as her friend was, he was a sexual submissive, and thus they’d been doomed before they’d ever gotten off the ground so to speak.

It was far more sensible to remain friends and to bemoan the lack of suitable guys over one too many bottles of tequila on more occasions than she chose to remember.

So, they’d both done their best to ignore the growing sexual attraction between them lately, which, Naomi was pretty sure had only come about due to Great Uncle Thomas’s reading of the will.

It had made interesting reading for sure. Much to Josh's surprise, his uncle had made Josh the sole beneficiary of his considerable estate. Thomas had been a shrewd investor, who had chosen to live his life in relative simplicity, and no one had been more shocked than Josh to discover that he had been left millions.

The only stipulation had been for Josh to marry within the next three months, or the money would be left to various LGBTQ charities. The expressed preference for that marriage had been to take place with another guy, as that would ensure Josh got all the money. Had he chosen a more conventional route and married a woman, Josh would have received only half.

“Well, isn't that the damnedest thing.” Josh had uttered those words in complete bafflement and had stunned Naomi by turning around and grinning at her.

“There’s only one thing for it, sweet cheeks. You’ll have to make an honest man out of me, after all.”

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