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“Tyler.” He holds out his hand.

“Charles,” he says, wrapping his hand tightly around Tyler’s, and then I watch him wince before he pulls his hand back and flexes it at his side before he focuses on me. “Hopefully, I’ll see you soon.”

God, this is so awkward. I should have just told him that I wasn’t interested after he messaged me the first time instead of trying to save his feelings. “I—”

“Sorry, bud, but that isn’t gonna happen,” Tyler announces before I can even get two words out.

“And why exactly is that?” Charles asks, sounding pompous as he lifts his hands to the lapels of his suit, grasping them while eyeing Tyler.

“Tyler and I are seeing each other,” I admit quietly. I don’t want Tyler to think I’m trying to hide him, and I know that’s exactly what he will assume if I’m not honest right now. I feel every eye in the place is on the three of us, and I have no doubt that the women taking in this scene are going to spread far and wide what they saw at the salon this afternoon.

Charles looks down at me. “You didn’t mention that when we were at dinner.”

“We weren’t seeing each other when you and I went on our date,” I reply, hating how awkward this situation is. “But now we are.” I really wish the ground would just open up and swallow me whole already. I feel my face getting hotter from the attention surrounding us.

“I see.” He lifts his chin, his jaw now hard. “In that case, I’ll just be going.”

“Sorry,” I say to his back as he leaves the salon, swinging the door open with more force than is necessary.

“You didn’t need to turn that into a pissing contest,” I tell Tyler, and I know I hear my mom laugh from her station a few feet away.

“I wasn’t the one who tried to prove his manhood with a handshake,” Tyler states. Then he asks softly, “Why was he here?” Even though his voice is low, I still hear annoyance in his tone.

“He wanted to take her to lunch,” Deloris says helpfully. “I see now why she didn’t agree to go with him. I don’t think I would have, either, if I were her.”

Lord, save me.

“Why didn’t you just say you were already seeing someone?” Sandy asks loudly from across the salon.

“She obviously didn’t want to embarrass him,” Deloris snaps. “You know how men get.” She waves her hand around. “They’re sensitive about being turned down, especially by a beautiful woman.”

“Too true,” Grams mumbles, and I know she’s smiling, even though I’m not looking at her to see it.

“Did you need something?” I ask Tyler. He’s never come here before; really, I didn’t think he knew where the shop was. Then again, there is only one Bleach Bomb Shell’s in town.

“I was in the area and had some time. I thought I’d swing by and see if you could get away for a break to grab something to eat.”

“I really wish I could.” I want to take Sandy up on her earlier offer, but it wouldn’t feel right if I did it now.

“That’s all right. I’ll see you for dinner in a few hours. I’m cooking at my place.”

“All right,” I agree, and he leans down, touching his mouth to mine and surprising me.

“Have a good day, baby.” His eyes scan my face; then his fingers graze my cheek.

“You too.” I watch him kiss my mom’s cheek and then my grams’s before he goes to the door. He gives me one last look before he pulls the door open and disappears.

I glance around and note everyone is now looking at me.

“I’m going to go out on a limb and guess that you and Tyler are a little more than friends now,” Mom says, and I bite my lip. I haven’t told her or Grams about the change in our relationship. I guess now I don’t need to. The whole kiss on the lips and cheek touch are more difficult to explain than the hand-holding.

“Um . . .”

“Spill while you finish my hair,” Deloris demands. “And don’t leave any of the good stuff out.”

“Yeah, sugar, don’t leave any of the good stuff out,” Grams agrees, giving me a wink.

I sigh, start up my blow-dryer, and then spill about Tyler and me. Unfortunately for all the women listening, I leave all the good stuff out, because that’s for me and me alone.

“Tell me what happened with Charles,” Tyler says as he lifts me up to sit on the counter next to the stove, where he’s been cooking. I thought maybe we would skip over this conversation since he didn’t mention it when I got to his house, and I’ve been here for over an hour now.

When I got home from work, Bruce was at my house to greet me like he normally is, and Tyler came to walk me over after I sent him a text and told him I would be at his place after changing my clothes and feeding Mouse. When we got here, he started dinner, and we both chatted about work while I played with Bruce, until Bruce decided he wanted to head outside. I thought for sure Tyler was letting go of what had happened this afternoon.

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