Page 11 of Drug Lord

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“Are you up?

I looked at myself in the mirror and almost screamed at how awful my hair looked. I was still wearing his sleeveless shirt.

“No!” I yelped. I needed to fix my hair.

“I have bacon.”

“Come in.”

It was okay if he had bacon. A good amount of bacon grease could go a long way the morning after.

I smelled the fresh coffee.

“You are a god.”

He grinned at me, and my heart skipped a beat when he did. He was extremely gorgeous when he smiled, and I just couldn’t resist smiling back at him.

I looked down at the tray and said, “There’s no way that I can eat all of this.”

“Of course not. Half is for me.”

Half of the mountain of food on the plate was much larger than what I could manage to eat. He had an enormous fluffy omelette for each of us, and there were two bananas on the tray alongside the coffee.

I snagged a piece of bacon and took a bite.

The bacon was perfectly cooked. It was crisp with that slight hint of chewiness which was hard to achieve.

“This is perfect.”

He sat on my bed and unrolled the napkins to get out silverware.

Then we ate there, as if it weren’t the first morning that I’d ever eaten breakfast with him and it were completely natural for him to sit on my bed.

I’d stayed in his home despite not knowing him at all.

And he’d been a gentleman about it. I caught his eyes resting on me once in a while, but he hadn’t made any moves. He’d woken me up a lot during the night, but it had been professional, almost dispassionate. I grew to hate the flashlight that he kept with him, but we knew now that I didn’t have a bad concussion.

I must’ve been hungrier than I thought, because the omelette and bacon disappeared in record time. I felt a little guilty, because I was sure that I’d stolen his portion of it.

He didn’t seem to mind. Before I finished, he ate all of the bananas.

I sat back when I was done and touched my stomach. He put the tray on the nightstand.

“If I ate like that every meal, I’d be the size of a whale.”

He shook his head.

“You are the perfect size. You have the curvy shape that I love.”

There was a beat of silence between us. He was sitting right there, looking right at me.

I didn’t have any experience with men. I’d dated Brayden only for our senior year of college. We knew what was expected from the both of us. His proposal at the end of the year wasn’t a surprise; it had been planned for our whole lives.

He’d had plenty of fun in college, but I was more of a bookworm. I didn’t party very much, instead I was too busy with my part-time job and a course load that was just a little bit more than what a normal person would sign up for. Jenny was my polar opposite. She had dated so many boys in college that I’d lost count. I’d driven to the doctor’s clinic with her every time that she had a pregnancy scare. I knew how all of this worked in theory, but not in practice.

I was very curious, but I hadn’t gotten very many chances to try anything.

Before I could freak myself out and talk myself out of it, I leaned forward and planted my lips on his for a firm, brief kiss.
