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“Perish the thought. Especially since we have so much to celebrate tonight.” Rhett grabbed Ella’s left hand and waved it around, the brilliant sparkle unmistakable.

“Wait a minute.” Stasia grabbed Ella’s hand, gasping when she saw the giant diamond glittering on her ring finger. She looked at Rhett. “Oh my God, you finally asked her.”

Rhett grinned. “I did.”

Ella blushed and leaned against him. “He did.”

“I’m so happy for you.” She wrapped her arms around both of them as best she could, squeezing them tight. “Congratulations.”

“Hey now, this is your night.” Rhett extracted himself from Stasia’s grip. “We can properly celebrate our good news later.”

“Tessa is planning a huge engagement party. Considering she believes herself responsible for our getting together and all.” Ella rolled her eyes and laughed.

Stasia smiled, suddenly feeling wistful. They were such a wonderful couple and so perfect for each other. She could almost be jealous of them.


“Hey, what’s going on?” Gavin appeared at her side, hooking his arm around her waist and pulling her in close. “You two look a little too happy.”

“They’re officially engaged,” Stasia told him.

“Ah, congrats. That’s awesome.” Reaching out, Gavin shook Rhett’s hand, then released his hold on Stasia so he could give Ella a quick hug. “When’s the date?”

“We haven’t made it yet. One step at a time, you know?” Rhett tugged at his collar, looking a little nervous, which made them all laugh.

“I understand, man,” Gavin said in sympathy, turning to Stasia. “You’re supposed to speak in ten minutes. Let’s get you closer to the stage.”

They said their goodbyes, and she let Gavin lead her to where the stage was set up at the other side of the room. The place was crowded, people stopping her as they walked past, eager to talk about her new jewelry line, exclaiming over particular pieces and offering their general congratulations.

Stasia had never been so excited—or nervous.

“They love you,” Gavin murmured close to her ear when they stopped at the foot of the stage. “I knew they would.”

“They might not love me after I make a fool of myself in front of everyone.” She pulled her hand from his and rubbed her clammy palms together. She was a wreck. It was one thing to play at home and design jewelry for herself and her friends and family or to consult on lines, as she’d been doing when she was with Renaldi.

It was quite another to put all of those pieces on public display and sell them to the world.

Thankfully, Matteo and Rafe helped finance her fine jewelry line, separate from Renaldi Accessories. And Worth Luxury had featured her work with their latest collection, selling limited edition pieces in their stores. Her jewelry was designed in fourteen-karat gold, delicate, fanciful pieces that appeared fragile. Dainty. But they were stronger than they looked.

Much like their creator, Gavin had teased her more than once.

“You’re going to be amazing. Have faith in yourself.” He kissed her. A deep, delicious kiss that made her toes curl, her head spin. When he finally broke away, a satisfied smile curved his lips and the sight of it weakened her knees. “I think Rhett and Ella are on to something.”

She frowned. “What?”

“Their engagement. It’s not a bad idea.”

“What’s not a bad idea?” She was confused, still a little dazed after that delicious kiss.

He rolled his eyes. “Getting married.”

Realization dawned. “If this is your way of asking me to marry you, you’re doing a terrible job of it.”

“That’s because you don’t make it easy.” He shook his head, lifting his gaze to study the stage. “I think they’re ready for you.”


p; Turning, she found Alex gesturing for her to come up onto the stage. “I guess I should go.” She pointed at Gavin. “But you’re not off the hook.”
