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Stasia’s heart threatened to swell out of her chest it felt so full. “I must say, your acceptance of me is rather surprising, especially after our last encounter.”

“My wife convinced me I was being an ass.” Hunter had the decency to look a trifle embarrassed. “She reminded me that life’s too short and that you’re a part of our family whether I like it or not.”

Stasia smiled. She needed to give Gracie a big hug and a kiss later, before she left. “I’ve been rather dramatic myself, and I apologize for my past hysterics.”

“It’s understandable.” Rhett shot her a warm smile from across the table. “You had every reason to be upset.”

Tears threatened and she sniffed discreetly. No need for more hysterics. Her new brothers would think her ridiculous.

“Hey, we’re just about to serve dessert.” Gabriella swept into the room, her easy smile making Stasia smile in return. “That amazing chocolate cake Tessa makes from scratch. Are you guys done talking? Or are you set on depriving us a little while longer?”

“Ah, leave it up to my wife to know how to diffuse a difficult situation with chocolate cake.” Alex stood and approached Stasia, pulling out her chair so she could stand as well. “Come here, little si


He hugged her, his strong arms wound tight around her as he pulled her in. She pressed her face against his chest, tears threatening to spill from the corner of her eyes and she squeezed them shut, desperate not to fall to pieces.

But it was no use. The tears spilled down her cheeks as she withdrew from her older brother’s embrace, her voice choked as she whispered, “Thank you.”

This is what she’d been searching for from the moment she’d heard the news that Giorgio Renaldi wasn’t her father.



“I’m calling to apologize. Don’t hang up,” Alex warned when Gavin reluctantly answered his cell.

“This ought to be good.” Gavin fell back against the pillows, watching with smug satisfaction when Stasia curled up next to him, her eyes closed, a contented expression on her still-flushed face.

“I’m an ass and I’m sorry.” Alex’s voice lowered, as if he didn’t want anyone else to hear him. “I should’ve never said it would be best if you didn’t come to the lunch today. Stasia clearly missed you.”

“Told you.” Now he was really feeling smug. There was no denying how strongly he and Stasia felt for each other. Gavin was glad to know her newfound brother could finally see it. “You jump too quickly to conclusions.”

“One of my greatest faults. Tessa has already berated me. I’m sure I’ll get an earful more when I get off the phone.”

“You deserve every last bit of it.” Reaching out, Gavin toyed with a lock of Stasia’s hair, winding it around his finger again and again. “Have a little more faith in me next time, my friend.”

“Sound advice,” Alex said, a trace of humor in his tone.

“Seriously, you’ll have to work for my forgiveness.” Gavin paused. “I heard there was homemade chocolate cake involved.”

“There was.” Alex paused. “I could possibly convince my wife to send an entire cake to you as a peace offering.”

“I’ll take it. But you better reward your wife properly for making another cake.” Hanging up the phone, he set it on the bedside table and closed his eyes.

Stasia lifted her head to study him. “Did you hang up on Alexander Worth?”

“Sure did.” He kept his eyes closed, his lips curving into a smile. “He deserves it.”

“Yes. I suppose he does.” She rested her head on his chest, drew her fingers across his still sensitive skin. Her hair tickled his face and he batted it away. “But why? What did he tell you?”

“That he was wrong.”

“Wrong about what? Don’t make me pry it out of you, Gavin.”

He opened his eyes, found her watching him expectantly. “I wanted to go with you today, to Alex’s. But he called and asked me not to. Said that I might interfere with their wishes to talk to you. I think he was afraid I’d lawyer up.”

“Oh.” Sighing, she pressed her cheek to his pec. “I wish you would’ve been there. But I understand why he did it.”
