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“It was authentic to the tower, I take it. I can appreciate that.” He bent over again, offering her a nice view of his spectacular butt as he reached for a towel on the shelf above the tub. “Are you stripping yet?”

“You’re not watching, so no.” The sassy statement left her before she could think, and she laughed at the leer he gave her over his shoulder. “Finish your preparations and then I’ll strip for you.”

“Hmm, promise?” She laughed again, and he turned around to face her. “It’s good to hear you laugh.” His voice softened. “You’ve had a rough time of it today.”

The laughter died, but the pain from earlier had eased. Somewhat. “I have. Thank you for taking my mind off my troubles.” Being with Gavin like this, talking and arguing, teasing and laughing, helped her forget.

“I haven’t even started. Not really.” He settled on the tiled edge of the tub, crossed his arms in front of his chest. He was still in work clothes, navy blue trousers, white dress shirt rolled at the sleeves and unbuttoned at the neck, tie discarded the moment they arrived at his place. Hair mussed, the shadow of stubble lined his jaw and deliciously rumpled in that working-man-at-the-end-of-the-day way.

Arousal curled through her, heady and strong, and she braced her hand on the edge of the sink, thankful for something there to steady her. “What are your plans for me?”

He let his smoldering gaze trail over her, lingering on her chest, drifting downward slow, slower. Her skin tightened under his perusal, as if he physically reached out and touched her and she tightened her grip on the sink. Afraid her weak knees would send her crashing to the floor if she tried to stand on her own.

“I might shock you,” he finally said, once he’d looked his fill.

Anticipation made her smile. “I like the sound of that.” She liked this suggestively sexy side to Gavin when it made its appearance. There were many facets to him, each one equally fascinating. Intriguing.

He pushed away from the tub, approaching her with a predatory grace. “Time to get undressed, Stasia.”

Without a word she turned, offering her back to him. She wore a dress and needed his help with the zipper. Remaining silent as well, he slowly slid the zipper down, her back exposed on a whisper. He grazed her skin with the tips of his fingers, his touch sending a scattering of goose bumps across her flesh.

A shiver moved through her as he stepped away, though she could still feel his eyes on her. “Take it off,” he commanded, his voice deceptively gentle.

She did as he demanded without protest, letting the dress fall to her feet, kicking it away so it went skidding across the sleek tile floor. She wore no shoes, only pale pink panties and a matching bra. Turning slowly, she faced him, his appreciative gaze making her hold her head up high, her chest thrust forward. Hard nipples pressed against the lace front of her bra, and he studied them, his lips parting as if in preparation to taste them.

Liquid heat pooled between her legs, and she fought to ignore it. Decided to instead drive him crazy with lust, she reached behind her, unhooking the bra and discarding it with a few quick flicks of her fingers. Pushed her panties past her hips, down her legs, stepping out of them until she stood completely naked.

Her body was on trembling fire for him but she refused to make the first move. He wanted to give her a bath, and by God, she was going to get into that bathtub.

Even if it killed her.

He approached her, grasping her by the shoulders and turning her so she faced the almost full tub. “Get in, baby,” he murmured close to her ear.

She did so, thrilling at the rare term of endearment. He was all business, no fuss, most of the time. Get him in the bedroom, get the two of them naked, and he was the thoughtful, sexy, caring man she yearned to know more about. But he kept that part of him shielded. Closed off, only coming out at moments such as this one.

The water clung to her in a hot embrace and she shivered as she slid in, reveling in the steamy goodness. Gavin reached over and pressed a button, switching the jets on. The water bubbled and frothed, tickling her skin and she sank deeper, until the water reached her chin.

“Feel good?” He sat on the edge of the tub and watched her beneath hooded eyes.

She nodded and sighed, closing her eyes. It felt too good. The arousal coursing through her, the way he looked at her, the water soothing her skin. It was all too delicious, too overwhelming.

“I’ll be back in fifteen minutes.” He leaned over her, pressed a sweet kiss to her temple. “And then I’ll make you feel even better.”

Chapter Fourteen

Gavin arrived in the bathroom a short while later as promised, wearing a pair of black boxer briefs and nothing else. She watched in awe as he padded across the room toward the tub, his gaze still hooded, his steps still predatory. Stasia’s gaze dropped to the front of his boxers, noticed the telltale bulge there.

Her mouth watered. She wanted him. Needed him to make her feel good, take her troubles away, however briefly. She wanted to forget everything that had happened today. The open hostility in Hunter’s eyes, how nervous Rhett seemed and how imposing Alex was. No wonder Alex had that scarily intense reputation in the business. She’d wanted to cry every time he’d set eyes on her, and he’d been nothing but polite.

Not necessarily positive, but always polite.

Closing her eyes for the briefest moment, she banished all thoughts of her meeting with the Worths. Concentrated instead on Gavin again sitting on the edge of the tub as he turned off the whirlpool jets, then pulled the plug so the water started to drain. Standing, he held out a towel to her, encouraging her with a nod to come to him.

She did so, the water cascading down her naked body in long streams. Keeping her gaze locked on his, she stepped out of the tub and into the towel. He carefully wrapped it around her wet body like an embrace.

“Want me to dry you off?” The question held a suggestive tone and she smiled.

“Only if you promise to keep me wet where it counts.”
