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“Miss Renaldi, Mr. Westmore? They’re ready to see you now.”

Stasia whirled around at the sound of the woman’s voice, heard Gavin’s approach from behind. Without a word, he settled his hand at the small of her back and walked with her as they fell into step behind the assistant. She led them down a short hall, stopping at a door on the right, which she opened with an efficient flick of her wrist. Offering them a small smile over her shoulder, she murmured, “Right this way.”

They entered a small conference room that was dominated by a broad table, which was surrounded by at least ten black high-backed chairs. The room was empty, not a Worth in sight, and Stasia turned, prepared to ask the woman where they might be.

The assistant was ready for her. “They’re on their way. A previous meeting ran late and they have just now returned. They’re in the elevator as we speak.”

Stasia snapped her lips shut. “Oh. Thank you.”

“May I offer you coffee? Tea? Perhaps a glass of water?”

The thought of drinking anything made Stasia’s stomach slosh unattractively. “No, thank you.”

“For you, Mr. Westmore?”

“I’m fine, thank you.” His deep voice was a balm, soothed Stasia into believing everything was going to be all right. Gavin was an old friend of Alex’s. He was her lawyer, her guardian, the man who knew her current weaknesses and strengths, who would do his best to protect her.

She wasn’t going into this alone, and knowing that was a tremendous relief.

The woman exited the room without another word, the only sound the quiet click of the door shutting behind her. Exhaling sharply, Stasia turned to Gavin, hoping for words of reassurance.

He said nothing, merely looked at her as if she were nothing more than a very uninteresting bug crawling across the floor.

“What the hell is wrong with you?” The words flew out of her before she could give them any thought but she didn’t regret them. Her fiery temper, which had been doused to near nothing after all the devastation her father’s death brought to the family, had suddenly flared back up with a vengeance.

“Absolutely nothing is wrong with me.” He fixed her with a neutral stare, his lips pressed into a hard, thin line. “You, by the way, are a bundle of nerves.”

“No kidding,” she muttered, pulling out a chair so she could sit. She sank into the butter-soft chair with a quiet sigh, determined to get to the bottom of Gavin’s mood. “You’ve avoided me, Gavin.”

He sat next to her, his arm bumping against hers, though he wouldn’t look at her. “I’ve been busy at work. I told you this.”

“And I don’t believe you.”

A chuckle escaped him and he shook his head. “That’s unfortunate, since it’s the truth.”

“What happened? Did I do something? Say something? Is there anything you’re not telling me in regards to this meeting? Are they going to drop some sort of verbal bomb that will send me reeling?” She grabbed his arm, gave it a little shake. “I’ve been sent reeling before, Gavin. I don’t think I could take it again. Not now, not so soon after my father’s death.”

“Let me reassure you, I know of no bombs the Worths might’ve planned to drop on you. Today’s meeting is a simple meet and greet sort of thing. A chance for you to talk to them, to show a bit of your personality, to show you’re not threatening them or the company in any manner.”

“That is all anyone cares for, is it not? Money and riches and who might end up with what cut.” The disgust curling through her was potent. Overwhelming. “They see any sort of glimmer of my diamond-encrusted claws and they’ll lock down their entire financial portfolio when I couldn’t give a damn about getting one cent out of them.”

“You know that, Stasia. I know that. But they don’t know that. And they’re the ones who matter right now,” Gavin pointed out.

She released her grip on his arm, taking a deep breath. “You’re right. I need to keep a cool head.”

“You do. Don’t display even an iota of that temper you just shared with me. They’re looking for any excuse to walk and shut down communication with you. Don’t give them a reason.”

Emitting an un-ladylike snort, she crossed her arms in front of her chest. “All of this hinges on me and my behavior. I am the one who is scrutinized. It’s so unfair.”

“It is what it is. You take it too personally and you’ll fall apart within minutes. Stay strong.” He le

aned in, brushed the quickest, sweetest kiss to her cheek. “You can do this, baby. I know you can.”

She stiffened her spine, his words and tender kiss giving her courage. There was still minor turmoil rumbling between them, but they would solve their troubles later. Right now, she needed to focus on the task at hand. Convincing the Worths she wasn’t a threat.

The door opened, and one by one, the brothers entered the room, in birth order, even. Alex first, emanating power with just a glance, his expression tight, his dark blue suit utter perfection. She trembled at the sight of him, gripped the arms of her chair tight when he looked at her, then flicked his glance away.

Dismissed. Just like that.
