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A little gasp escaped her and she glanced up, caught him watching her with that smoldering gaze. His eyes had darkened to gleaming hard emeralds, as green as she’d ever seen them, and she couldn’t help it—she stared wordlessly, her mouth dropping open, her breath lodged in her throat.

He was by far the most beautiful man she’d ever seen, and she’d seen plenty, enough to know the fashion industry was the home of the beautiful people. Men or women, it didn’t matter. There was plenty of beauty to go around.

Somehow Gavin was more beautiful than them all—at least in her eyes.

“But they’re…wet,” she murmured, realizing in a second how provocative her statement was.

His eyes flared. “They’d better be.”

A laugh escaped her when he joined her on the bed, his strong arms banded around her middle, his mouth fused with hers. She opened to his aggressive kiss, her tongue tangling with his. She sank her hands into his hair, fingers tugging on the silky ends, drawing him closer. As close as she could get.

“Take them off,” she whispered, grinding her hips to his.

He groaned in answer, his mouth devouring hers, his hands resting at her hips, over the wet fabric of her panties.

“Please, Gavin. I want them off.” She begged on purpose. Every man she’d ever been with loved it, and with Gavin, she didn’t look at it as a sign of weakness. She wanted him to take over, to command her body, to bend her to his will and possess her completely.

“Are you begging?” He sounded surprised. She wasn’t the type to beg. But she knew his touch would bring insurmountable pleasure. He was worth it.

She was starting to believe he was worth a lot of things.

“I am. You’re not going to make me beg more, are you?”

He tugged her panties down her body as best he could before she took over, kicking them off. Cried out in shock when he grasped hold of her wrists and hauled her arms above her head, pinning them there with one hand. She remained silent, watching him, anticipation curling through her blood, making her hot, restless. Wiggling against him, she lifted her hips, his cock brushing against her belly, and she whimpered at the sensation of his hot, firm flesh burning against her.

“I think you like begging.” He tightened his grip on her wrists, licked his lips and settled his gaze on her mouth. So dangerous, so sexy.

Only you. The thought floated through her mind, unbidden. Shocking.


Squirming, she tangled her legs with his, thrust her breasts against his chest, her sensitive nipples brushing his pecs. “Please,” she whispered. “I want you inside me, Gavin.”

He growled, dipped his head and stole her breath with a heady kiss. She opened to him, jerked her hands against his firm hold, wishing she could touch him. Loving how he kept her completely pinned so her every thought, her every sensation, involved him.

And only him.

He broke their kiss and reached toward the bedside table, plucking a condom from within the drawer. Tearing it open, he reared up on his knees, rolling the condom onto his thick length with his free hand, still holding her wrists pinned to the mattress. She watched with unabashed interest, intoxicated by the sight of his gorgeous masculine body, hungry to taste him, to feel that first exquisite thrust when his body joined hers.

“Where did that come from?” she asked, referring to the condom.

Gavin shrugged. “They’ve been there the entire time.” He didn’t give her a chance to say or think anything else, bent toward her to steal a quick kiss before he watched her with hot eyes. “So pretty.”

Leaning in close, he licked at first one nipple, then the other, alternating between them both, wetting her distended flesh until the sensation became almost painful. He blew across her nipples, his warm breath making them pucker and tighten and she bucked beneath them. “So needy, aren’t you, baby?”

She wanted to lose herself in him. Find that mutual pleasure she knew they created so easily together. He seemed to sense her need, lifting away from her so he could grab hold of the base of his erection, draw the head up and down her soaking wet slit.

A shivery moan escaped her at his teasing. He knew how to drive her crazy with desire. “Gavin.” His name left her on a gasp when he broached her, the head of his cock poised at her entry.

“Mmm, I like the way you say my name.” Releasing his hold on her wrists, he inched inside her, so achingly slow she wanted to die from the pleasure of it. He stretched her, filled her with his thick, pulsing cock, and she wrapped her legs around his hips, sending him deeper.

They moved together, slow and easy, Gavin controlling it, using such restraint she couldn’t help but admire him. Opening her eyes, she watched him. Saw the tension it was causing him in the sheen of sweat on his skin, the clench of his jaw, the distended cords in his neck. All that restrained power boiled beneath the surface, waited to be set free, and she reached for him. Set her hand against his cheek, stroking his skin with the tips of her fingers as she quietly called his name.

His unfocused gaze settled upon her, his body trembling with the force of his barely tethered control. “What?” he bit out.

She would’ve laughed, but it wasn’t the time. She wanted all that power and passion unleashed upon her. Now. “Don’t hold back on my account,” she whispered. “Please.”

Her words were like a switch. Eyes darkening, he let go with an agonized groan, his hips pumping against hers, his cock filling her again and again, ratcheting the swirling, pleasurable sensations inside her until she was consumed with them. Consumed with him.
