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She treaded water, her mind awhirl with all sorts of solutions. None of them would appease this man. “Can’t you do this one favor for me? We won’t be here long. And it’s not like you have to make declarations of your love for me in front of my mother.”

“We’ll be lying to her, Stasia. Isn’t that why you’re so upset with her? Because she’s lied to you your entire life?”

Well. He had her there. “I already told her we were together.”

“And you don’t want to look like a liar.”

“I don’t want to disappoint my mother,” she blurted. That was closer to the truth. She knew her mother wanted her happy. If she could help ease the burden of guilt that had weighed so heavily on her for so long, then Stasia would do whatever she could.

That she could forgive her mother so easily would probably anger her brothers. Gavin too. But she couldn’t help it. She’d always had a soft heart.

“Why not? Sounds like she’s been disappointing you your whole life.”

She flinched at the words he flung so carelessly, like sharp weapons that sliced through her skin. Without another word she turned, struggled against the water as she headed back to shore.

“Stasia, wait,” he called after her, but she ignored him. Tried her best to pick up the pace and get away from him as quick as she could, but the waves had swelled, sweeping over her and sending her underwater.

She emerged seconds later, coughing and sputtering, pushing her wet hair away from her face. The saltwater burned her lips, stung her eyes and a fresh burst of determination fueled her on.

Only to be thwarted by two large hands grabbing her by the waist and stopping her progress.

“Let me go.” The curvy, wet bundle of pissed-off woman struggled against his hold, her backside brushing against his front, sending a fresh surge of lust straight through him. Obliterating the anger and absolute frustration he’d felt toward her only minutes ago.

Irritating as hell, this connection he had with Stasia. Gavin didn’t understand it. Couldn’t ignore it no matter how much he wanted to.

“You’re mad.” He hauled her close, his mouth just above her ear. “What I said was really shitty.”

“Terribly shitty,” she agreed. The more emotional she became, the thicker her accent grew. It was sexy as hell.

“I was angry. You’ve put me in a spot I really don’t want to be in.” If she didn’t stop rubbing that delectable ass against him, he was going to lose it.

“I’m sorry.” She stiffened, tension radiating from her in not-so-subtle waves. “I’ve been put in the same spot, you know. And I’m not happy about it either.”

“I know.” Really, he did. Taking a deep breath, he decided to do what normally didn’t come naturally for him. Apologize. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.” He loosened his grip on her but still kept her close, enjoying her wet, warm skin pressed to his. His hands rested just below her breasts and without thought he lifted his thumb, caressing the underside of her breast.

She jerked against him. “Stop it.”

“Stop what?” He pulled her with him further out, till both of them were treading water, the waves rocking them back and forth. She felt good nestled against him. He’d wanted to strangle her when she admitted what she’d told her mother. It felt like this entire case was nothing but lies piled on top of lies.

Yet here he was, falling into her seductive trap. Funny how he found her even more attractive when she was madder than hell at him. He never knew he was such a sadist.

“Stop—touching me.”

He swiped his thumb slowly across her nipple, felt the bit of flesh harden beneath his touch. He was a complete jerk for doing this to her, but he couldn’t seem to stop.

“I can’t help it. Every time I get near you, I need to put my hands on you.” He gave her a little squeeze. “Maybe this isn’t such a bad idea after all, pretending we’re together.”

“I thought you hated it.”

“I don’t like lying to your mother. I don’t like lying to anyone.” He drew his finger upward, along the outer edge of her breast, to trace the string that tied at the back of her neck. “It’s not such a hardship, though. Touching you, wanting to be close to you.”

She trembled, released a quivery sigh. “I don’t like lying to her either. But it will only be for a few days. We’ll leave first thing the day after tomorrow.”

“What’s the point of staying longer?” They shouldn’t. She’d found out what she needed to know and now they should do the practical thing and return to New York. Return to normal life, away from too bright sunshine and gorgeous guest homes with views that stole a man’s breath. Delicious food, delicious breezes and the most delicious woman he’d ever met…

“There is more I’d like to talk to my mother about. I need one more day.” She paused, glanced over her shoulder to gaze up at him. “That’s all I ask for, Gavin. One more day. Then we can go home and move forward wi

th this.”
