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“Not yet,” he murmured as he lifted his head, swiping at her distended clit with his tongue. She tilted her head back and cried out, her hips subtly moving against his face as he started to devour her creamy center. She was incredibly responsive, her sexy little whimpers doing him in, and he wished he had a condom so he could take her properly.

But maybe she was right. Maybe there was nothing wrong with some improvising. It was certainly helping him see exactly what she liked and how he could make her come. Like now, he knew she was close, what with the frantic movements of her hips, the breathless little cries that escaped her. He sank two fingers inside her velvety hot depths, thrusting in and out, drawing her clit deep into his mouth and sucked. Hard.

She cried out his name just before her body bucked against his mouth, shivers overtaking her as she writhed above him. He continued his assault, drawing out the uncontrollable shivers that took over her body. Finally he slowed his ministrations as she came down from her orgasm, until she slid away from his mouth so she could collapse on top of him.

“Oh, my God, that was quick,” she whispered against his chest before she kissed him there, just above his heart.

He smoothed his hands along her supple skin, his fingers lingering on her backside, tracing the dimples that rested just above it. “That’s a good thing sometimes, right?”

She lifted her head with a lazy smile. “Definitely.” Leaning in closer, she kissed him, didn’t seem bothered by the fact that her juices still clung to his lips and tongue. In fact, she took it deeper, her tongue tangling with his, a low moan escaping her when they finally broke apart. “I can taste myself.”

“You like that, don’t you?” Damn, she was a turn on. His cock pressed against her soft belly, wanting so damn bad to slip inside her warmth and fuck both of them into oblivion.

“Yes.” She ducked her head for a moment before meeting his gaze once more. Her eyes were dark with passion, her lips swollen, her hair an absolute mess. “But now, I want to taste you.”

Her body still shaky from the intense orgasm brought forth by Gavin’s masterful fingers and tongue, she slithered down his hard body, settling just below his jutting erection. He was large, the tip of the flared head sticky with pre-come, and she curled her hand around the base of him, surprised that

her fingers didn’t quite meet. “Lovely,” she whispered, which earned a laugh from him.

“Did you just call my cock—lovely?”

She glanced up, startled at his choice of words. Look at her handsome, suave and urbane lawyer man using such crude language. “I did,” she said sheepishly as she gave him a firm stroke.

His eyes looked ready to cross from the way she touched him, which made her smile. “Most men would find that an insult to their manhood,” he choked out.

“But you’re not most men, are you?” Keeping her gaze steady on his, she darted out her tongue, licked the very tip of him with a deliberate stroke.

“Jesus,” he rasped as he cupped the side of her head, his gaze dropping to where her mouth barely touched the top of his erection. “Wrap your lips around me.”

She did as he demanded, thrilling at how he commanded her. Thrilling even more at how easily she followed his order. She normally enjoyed taking charge sexually. Had been with men who had no problem with it, some of them almost seeming to prefer it.

Stasia couldn’t help but wonder how Gavin might feel about that. He seemed more the aggressive type. Which sent an electric current of pleasure pulsing throughout her body.

“Take more of me in your mouth,” he urged, and she wrapped her lips completely around the head, sucking him with the lightest pressure, reveling in the agonized groan that escaped him.

It felt deliciously wicked, outside by the pool completely naked with Gavin, her lips wrapped tight around his cock. He tasted salty and clean, was so big and pulsing inside her mouth, and she took him deeper, her hands busy, her lips and tongue busy teasing him, wanting to bring him to orgasm soon.

He slipped his hands on either side of her head, gripping her tight, guiding her. She let him take the lead, loving how aggressive he was, never shying away from showing her what he wanted.

Slowly but surely his control was slipping away. His hips surged, sweat broke out all over his skin and he arched his head back, groaning long and low before he muttered, “I’m coming. God, I’m coming.”

She encouraged him, squeezing him tight, sucking the head of his cock just so. Feeling the first spurts of semen on her tongue, she milked him, drank from him as he shuddered and shook, the orgasm wrenching everything out of him until he finally collapsed on the chair. She released her hold on him, wiped the side of her mouth with the back of her hand, and he relaxed his grip on her hair.

Removing one hand, the other remained in her hair as he smoothed his fingers through the strands in a tender gesture. “Damn woman,” he muttered. “That was unbelievable.”

She smiled, turned her face so she could kiss the palm of his hand. “See how great improvising can be sometimes?”

“Yeah.” He smiled weakly, looking rather pleased, which pleased her since she was the one who did that to him. “I’d much prefer a bed, though. With plenty of condoms on hand.”

Her skin tingled at the image. Did he want to continue this? Or was it a one-shot deal? If they were smart, this would be it. It would be foolish to continue any sort of affair.

Stasia frowned. It would also be foolish to leave it at this and never do anything else either. She wanted to know what it was like, having sex with Gavin. Having that connection with him, feeling him move inside her, come with her…

Her body softened, went damp. She couldn’t not continue this with Gavin.

Could only hope he felt the same way.

Chapter Eight
