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But Gavin’s gaze was riveted to her face only. “I’m disturbing what is clearly a private moment for you.”

She shrugged, her drenched hair sliding across her damp skin. “I wanted a quick swim.”

“I heard you. I decided to come down and investigate.”

“I’m sorry I woke you.”

“I wasn’t sleeping.”

They stared at each other silently. She noticed he wore no shirt, was clad in jeans only, the button unsnapped, his feet bare. As if he’d slipped them on before coming down to investigate. She had no idea the sight of a man’s bare feet could be so arousing, but they were. Not nearly as arousing a sight as that undone snap on his jeans, revealing a trail of dark hair that disappeared beneath dark-rinsed denim.

She let her gaze wander unabashedly, she didn’t have as much control as he and she was fine with it. As she assumed, he was well built, with a flat abdomen, the faint showing of a six-pack and a broad chest and shoulders. His chest was covered with the lightest bit of hair, mostly in the center, and she had the sudden urge to press her face there. Breathe him in, feel the beat of his heart beneath her cheek.

Instead she stood naked and trembling, dripping wet with still-chattering teeth. He was at the distinct advantage, but she decided to play like the one with the upper hand.

“I guess you need this?” He held out the towel but didn’t step closer to her. As if he wanted to see if she’d come to him first.

She smiled. “The longer I stand here, the more dry I become.”

A single dark brow rose, such a sexy move, her belly fluttered. “Well, isn’t that a damn shame.”

The sexual innuendo was thick in his words, and just like that, she grew wet between her legs. Locking her knees together, she stood straighter, held out her hand in a beckoning gesture. “My towel, please?”

He hid it behind his back. “Come and get it.”

Exasperation filled her, along with a healthy dose of lust. He was being rather playful, which was completely unlike him. At least what she saw of him. “Are you serious?”

“Completely.” The look he sent her was a challenge. A dare and she took a few measured steps, stopping a few feet away from him.

His gaze finally dropped, lingering on her breasts, going farther, down her belly, down her legs, until it came back up, touching the spot between her thighs that throbbed for him before finally settling once more on her chest. “You look cold.”

If he was referring to her nipples, then he was correct. “I am.”

“Then come closer, Stasia,” he murmured, his deep voice pure seduction.

“Gavin.” She took one step. Then another, bringing her closer but not near enough for him to reach out and touch her. “What are we doing?”

“I have no fucking idea.”

She appreciated his candor, almost wanted to laugh at his blunt choice of words, but didn’t want to insult him.

“Me either,” she agreed, taking another baby step. “It’s probably a mistake, what we’re considering.”

“Most likely.” He lifted his lids, that brilliant gaze meeting hers. “But we’ll have a good time making it, don’t you think?”

Chapter Seven

Gavin wasn’t quite sure what

they were doing, but he also knew no way could he stop it. Stopping this magnetic connection he felt to Stasia was impossible, crazy, undeniable. Powerful.

He’d gone to his room and stripped after dinner, slipping into the large, comfortable bed, discovering within moments as he tossed and turned that he was too restless to sleep, despite the time change. He should have been exhausted, but instead he’d paced the room naked, stopping finally at the window so he could watch the sea, the flickering tiny lights in the far distance dotting the water.

That was when he’d heard the faint splash, his gaze dropping to the pool below, where he saw the lithe figure of Stasia swimming back and forth, her arms slicing cleanly through the water, her legs carrying her quickly.

She wore absolutely nothing at all.

Those long, lean legs moved with a sexy power that left him panting. And when she popped out of the water, revealing those perfect breasts with the dark nipples, his cock had twitched in reaction.
