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Her mother had worked with one of the best designers on the coast, laboring over each and every choice. She’d wanted the house to have a particular look and feel, and after many years, she’d finally mastered it.

Even when she was young, Stasia had known to be careful, to treat every item in the main house with care. Her rowdy older brothers respected the house as well, never tracking in dirt or grime, though it had never felt like a museum, oh no.

Villa Renaldi had been a happy place, filled with fond childhood memories that Stasia cherished. Despite coming here under such unpleasant circumstances, she was still happy. Excited to show Gavin everything the villa had to offer.

“Wait until you see where you’re staying,” she said as she opened one of the French doors that led onto the back terrace.

“I’m not staying in the main house?”

“No, I had Renzo prepare the tower for you.” It had once been a crumbling relic from centuries ago, a pile of stones destroyed by years of neglect. But now it was a one-bedroom, one-bathroom guest quarters. Gorgeous in its simplicity, it had the best view from its bathroom—and with a giant sunken-in tub to sit in and enjoy it too.

“The view from here is pretty damn unbelievable.” The awe in his voice made her smile. He followed diligently as they walked down the cobbled steps toward the tower, the sea before them majestic. The sun cast the brilliant blue water in hazy golden shimmers, and she swore she heard the calls of children playing and splashing in the water from below. Overhead, a bird cried as it flew over them, and the gentle breeze swept through the nearby olive trees, the rustling leaves like a sweet childhood melody. “I’ve never seen anything like it.”

“It’s wonderful, isn’t it? I’m excited to show you the view from the tower bathroom. It feels like you’re about to step into the water, right from the window.”

The large wooden door to the tower was unlatched and she pushed it open, stepping to the side so Gavin could enter first. “Tell me what you think.”

He entered the room and stopped in the center, slowly turning so he could take everything in. The glossy cream tiled floor shone so brightly she could see his reflection, and the floor to ceiling windows were open, allowing that delicious ocean breeze inside. Filmy white curtains billowed, the king-sized bed was made up with crisp white linen and there was a small seating arrangement near the balcony door, two overstuffed chairs covered in elegant, pale gold velvet, a small round wooden table sitting in between.

“This is my room?” He sounded shocked.

“All yours for the next four nights.” She glanced toward the bed, had a fleeting image of his dark head resting against the plump white pillow, draped with a sheet and wearing nothing but golden skin. Was he muscular? He appeared so, even through the fine suits. She bet he had a delectable body, one that would certainly know exactly what to do to make hers sing with pleasure…

Her skin grew warm and tight, as did her nipples. She jerked her gaze away to find him headed toward the bathroom, a rather loud expletive escaping when he entered the room.

She followed, found him staring at the tub in wonder. It was large and constructed in a half-round, butting up against the wall below the giant window that overlooked the ocean. The view was magical, indeed appearing as if one could step directly out onto the sea. As a child, she’d begged to stay in the tower after it had been remodeled, her parents allowing it only on very special occasions.

She’d thought of it as hers, an escape from her brothers. A place to call all her own, where she would sit and dream, pretend she was a princess locked away in the tower, waiting for her knight in shining armor to come and rescue her.

Silly, childish dreams she couldn’t help but still hold on to, especially considering what had happened. She needed a rescuer, needed someone to stand tall beside her and help her fight the battles so she could conquer the war.

Someone like Gavin…

“I thought you might like some privacy and a space of your own,” she said to fill the sudden too-long silence. She needed to banish her foolish thoughts. They were pointless. He didn’t like her. Despite his earlier protests, she didn’t believe him.

Did he not like the tower? Or even worse…did he think it too much? As if she might be showing off, flaunting her wealth and prosperity? She was merely proud of her heritage, of this house on the cliffs that had been in her family for generations. Her brothers constantly brought guests and friends to the villa, though she rarely did.

Not that Gavin was a friendly guest. This was a business trip, nothing more. She needed to remember that.

“I appreciate the thoughtful gesture.” He met her gaze, wonderment making him look a little dazed. Relief flooded her at that look. He liked the space, thank goodness. “I almost feel like you went to too much trouble.”

“Absolutely not. It was no trouble at all.” She’d made a phone call and that’s all it took to make it happen. “Oh good, Renzo is here with your luggage.”

Renzo set Gavin’s single black suitcase next to the dresser, then set his computer bag on top of it. “You find it to your liking, eh?” His gravel-voiced question was aimed at Gavin.

“It’s amazing. I appreciate the hospitality.”

“Anything for Miss Renaldi’s friend, si? She’s never brought any friends like you to visit. A few girlfriends, but when she was still a girl in school. I assume the two of you are…” Renzo left the question unspoken, but there was no denying the twinkle in his eye, the raising of his white, bushy brows.

Mortified, Stasia shook her head. Just the thing she didn’t need to happen, Renzo and everyone else assuming she and Gavin were somehow involved. Not that she’d discouraged it when she called Renzo to make the arrangements. She’d kept quiet so her mother wouldn’t be suspicious. “I think you might’ve misunderstood...”

“You’re right, we are good friends.” Gavin stepped close to her, grabbing her hand and giving it a meaningful squeeze. His hand was large, his touch electric and she took a deep breath, desperate to calm her suddenly racing heart. “I couldn’t refuse her invitation to the villa for a little escape from the city.”

“A fine choice, signore. Miss Renaldi can show you many sights. She has explored this entire area since she was young. She knows all its secrets.”

“I look forward to exploring it with her.” Another squeeze, his long fingers were tight around hers.

She sent him a look, hoping he got the message. That she expected a thorough explanation the moment Renzo left. What the hell was he doing?
