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Her chest tightened. What if those revelations, those stories, were too painful for her to endure? Then what? She’d have to live with them the rest of her life. She didn’t know if she was ready for that yet.

Would she settle for the unknown, though? Perhaps it was better, knowing exactly how her mother could betray her “father” so completely.

“Are you afraid, Stasia?” His voice lowered a notch, so husky-deep it seemed to reach inside her and touch her quivery heart. “Is that it? Are you too scared to face the truth?”

“No.” She blew out a harsh breath, hating how her voice trembled. “I refuse to be afraid. Then I’ll turn into my mother, all alone and refusing to talk to anyone.”

“Exactly. You need to be stronger than that. And I know you have it in you.” Gavin then did something so shocking she thought she might jump out of her skin. Reaching across the table, he rested his hand atop hers in what seemed to be a comforting gesture.

He had no idea his touch seemed to reach something dark and forbidden deep within her. Desire swirled, gathered low in her belly when she felt the gentle sweep of his thumb across her sensitive skin.

“Let’s go to Italy and talk to her,” he murmured. “Find out everything she knows before we go to the Worths. It might be smart, strategically. We could fill them in with the details as well. Don’t you believe they’re just as curious?”

Were they? She hadn’t a clue, since they refused to look at her, let alone speak to her. Besides that one moment with Rhett, which felt like a lifetime ago. “What if my mother tells us nothing?”

The smile that curved his generous mouth was a real one this time, and absolutely devastating in its power. It sent a spark of heat whispering over her skin, along her nerve endings. “If we go all that way to question her, I believe you’ll get her to talk.” He removed his hand from hers, leaving her a little lost without his touch.

The relationship she’d shared with her mother prior to her father’s death had always been a little troublesome. She’d always felt as if her mother were the teeniest bit jealous of the closeness Stasia had with her father.

Maybe now she knew why. Did her mother secretly laugh at them, knowing they weren’t bound by blood? Did she think it amusing, nursing such a powerful secret all these years? Had she hoped to get away with it forever?

Stasia didn’t know. But she did know Gavin was right. She needed to find out. Everything.

Taking a deep breath, she exhaled loudly. “When do you want to leave?”

The smile grew, became even more devastating, if that was possible. The man wielded a power he seemed unaware of, which was scary, especially for the well being of her extremely fragile heart. “I can have my assistant make travel arrangements first thing tomorrow. Whenever you can get away, we’ll leave.”

“My schedule is completely clear,” she said wryly. “I have no commitments.”

“Good to know. I have a few, but I can rearrange them. Fortunately, it’s a quiet period for me.”

“My luck, then.” She smiled wanly. “Yours as well, I’m assuming. So. Have you ever been to Italy?”

He shook his head. “I’ve never been to Europe at all.”

That was surprising. He had a sophisticated air, urbane and immaculate in appearance, what with the precisely tailored suits, elegant in cut and style, the perfectly cut dark hair, the expensive watch that circled his wrist. She believed him the typical attorney who had too much money and spent it on luxurious trips across the continent. She’d known quite a few of them. Had dated some as well. Yet every last one of them had been too slick, too shallow for her to consider them long term.

Gavin, though, had that untamed air about him. As if it wouldn’t take much to reveal the real man beneath the smooth mask.

“You have a passport?” she asked.

“Of course.” Ah, there was her irritated lawyer, though he seemed to realize his mistake quickly. His expression smoothed, his voice returned to that calm, modulated tone. “I figure we can leave by Wednesday at the latest.”

“Sounds perfect.” She sipped from her glass of water, refusing to have any more wine. Too much alcohol and this man would be a heady combination, one that might leave her open and vulnerable to just about…anything.

A thought she shouldn’t be having. He was her attorney. She’d hired him to help her discover the truth about her heritage. No way could she entertain thoughts of indulging in some personal time with the deliciously handsome, secretly sexy Gavin Westmore.

Chapter Five

Gavin felt as if he’d been transported to another world, where the sun was more intense, the colors more vibrant and the native language lyrical and mysterious. Everywhere he looked he saw couples that appeared happy, full of love. He’d never been what he considered a romantic man, nor one who entertained fanciful thoughts. Hell, he hadn’t realized the word “fanciful” was in his vocabulary until this very moment.

Perhaps spending too much time with a too beautiful woman did that to a man.

They’d left New York first thing Wednesday morning, as planned. Seven hours later and they were in Italy, specifically the Amalfi Coast, Stasia behind the wheel of a tiny red car driving way too fast for his comfort.

The roads wound tight around the mountains, the sheer cliff that shot straight down into the ocean on the other side giving him a minor panic attack, not that he’d ever admit it. He’d grown up tough, had carried a knife on him walking home from school when he was in junio

r high, for Christ’s sake. He thought he’d seen it all, could endure anything.
