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“Fine, I was being restrained. I want five.” She smiled when his eyes widened incredulously. Stepping toward him, she lifted her face, ready for his kiss.

Which he delivered most passionately, even among the heavy throng of partygoers surrounding them. “At least we’ll have lots of fun practicing, right?” he murmured against her lips.

“Oh, yes.” It was the most thrilling night of her career but right now, all she wanted was to go back home with Rhett. Fall into bed and make love for the rest of the night.

But duty called. So she would make the best of it.

“Excuse me, but are you Rhett Worth?” asked a lyrical, heavily accented voice.

They withdrew from each other to find a petite woman standing in front of them. She was clad in a gorgeous, simple black sheath, her wavy dark hair tumbling past her shoulders. She studied them both with unabashed curiosity.

Ella clung to Rhett, unease slipping down her spine. She didn’t recognize the woman. What could she want?

“I’m Rhett Worth.” He frowned. “Do I know you?”

“We have met, at industry parties and the like.” She paused, her plump lips pursed. She was striking, her black hair and blue eyes a mesmerizing contrast, paired with creamy skin and fine cheekbones. “I am Anastasia Renaldi.”

“Oh. Of course.” Reluctantly, he offered his hand to shake, which she took most eagerly. “It’s nice to see you again. This is Gabriella Durand.”

Gabriella shook the woman’s hand. “A pleasure to meet you, Miss Renaldi.”

“Yes, the pleasure is mine as well. And please, call me Stasia. We should keep it informal since I think we’re going to be seeing plenty of each other in the near future.”

Ella frowned. What did she mean by that?

Rhett studied the woman who stood before him. He remembered her now, though their previous encounters had always been brief. Anastasia Renaldi—his father had hated her father, so in his eyes, she was somewhat the enemy. Though she seemed perfectly pleasant, if a little odd as she stared at him, as if she was trying to figure him out.

It made him uncomfortable.

“Well, I hate to be rude, but we must mingle, considering we’re the hosts of this party. So nice to see you again, Anastasia,” he said, trying to get away from her.

“Stasia,” she corrected. “Before you go, might I have a word with you? In private?” Her gaze skipped to Gabriella before returning to him.

He tightened his hold on Ella’s arm. “Whatever needs to be discussed, we can do it in front of Gabriella. I hide nothing from her.”

“Very well, then.” Stasia crossed her arms in front of her chest, practically brimming with fire. He could tell she was a feisty little thing. “I have some news you might be interested in hearing.”

“Go on.” He inclined his head, clasping hold of Ella’s hand. She’d gone stiff at Stasia’s comment and he wondered if Stasia Renaldi’s news had anything to do with Michel Durand.

Ella hadn’t spoken to her father in months, not since that fateful day i

n Rhett’s office. Rhett hated that their relationship had deteriorated, felt he played a large part in it, but she reassured him she needed time to heal before she would resume communication with her father, which Rhett gave her. He understood family troubles.

And he’d give her everything she could ask for, he loved her so much.

“You really want to discuss this here? In the middle of a party?” Stasia’s voice lowered. “It’s a very private matter.”

“Then let’s take it somewhere else.” Irritated, not wanting to deal with it, he led the women to a more secluded corner where very few people mingled about. “Is this better?”

“It will do,” Stasia retorted, her gaze sparking with fire. “I don’t know quite how to tell you this.”

“Just spit it out,” he suggested. “I’m sure it can’t be that bad.”

“Michael Worth is my real father, which means I am your half-sister,” she blurted. “There. I spit it out.”

Shock washed over him, riveting him in place. He gaped, tried to find the right words but nothing came out.

“We should find Alex and Hunter,” Ella murmured close to his ear. “Don’t you think?”

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