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“I want to spend tonight with you. I don’t want to worry about work or the scent or anything like that. Just me and you”

“Rhett…” She started to protest, to argue, but he pressed his fingers to her mouth, silencing her.

“Just say yes, Gabriella.” He paused, his eyes full of some unnamed emotion she’d never seen before. “I—I really want you t

o say yes.”

His hesitation, his words warmed her heart. And she so enjoyed the way he said her full name. Not even her father called her that any longer. No one did.

Except Rhett.

“You know, we’ve spent every night together,” she reminded him when his hand dropped away from her lips. “Really, we’ve wasted lots of precious time when we should’ve been working. I know that’s not what you want to hear, but maybe we should work tonight instead of going out.”

He slipped his arm around her waist and pulled her in close. She fit perfectly against him, their bodies attuned with each other yet still thrilling at first contact. Resting her hands on his chest, she smoothed her fingers downward, savoring the hard, muscular feel of him. Slowly, she tilted her head back, their gazes meeting, his so serious. “I have an idea,” he murmured.

She arched a brow. “What sort of idea?” Most of his ideas usually ended up with them naked in bed. Not that she usually complained…

But today—at the absolute last minute—she was trying to do the right thing. She didn’t know if she’d finally come to her senses or was acting incredibly stupid.

“A good one, I promise.” The wickedness in his grin made her smile in return. “Trust me.”

“I want to trust you. But…” Slowly, she withdrew from his embrace, momentarily at a loss for words. “Maybe—maybe we’re going about this all wrong.” How could she tell him she believed they’d essentially wasted their time while on Maui? She was just as guilty as he, just as much of a screwup when the both of them had something to prove to their families, to the industry, to the entire world.

So why did they squander their opportunity?

“What are you saying?” His voice was tight, his expression fierce. It was as if her words flipped a switch within him. “That you don’t trust me? That you think I’m a fuckup like everyone else does?”

“I never said that,” she started, but he cut her off with a look.

“You didn’t have to. It’s written all over your face.” Clenching his jaw, he glared at her. “Fine, you’re right. I bring you to this island and all I want to do is fuck you. Forget the job, forget the perfume, forget Worth. All I can think about is how fast can I get you naked.”

Ella’s jaw dropped, shocked at his harsh words, his even harsher expression. “I’m just as guilty as you.”

“Not even close. I took advantage of you. I do that, you know. And you were ripe for plucking.” He smiled, but it was more a grimace. “Hunter knew I would do this. Hell, so did Alex. They all think I’m a complete idiot who can only think with his dick. I’m just proving them all right.”

She watched in stunned silence as he marched out of the room without another word, slamming the door behind him. Her knees collapsing, she fell onto the edge of the bed, staring at the floor.

Well. That conversation had gone nothing like she anticipated. She’d never seen him so angry, so down on himself. He was usually so carefree, so easygoing. She knew his brothers thought he was a bit of a screwup, but that was a part of his past. He’d worked hard to prove he’d changed his ways.

Didn’t his family realize it?

Tears filled her eyes and she tried her best to blink them away. But they came anyway, blurring her vision before they slid slowly down her cheeks. She didn’t want him to go back to New York defeated, thinking he’d more than met his brothers’ low expectations. She wanted him to prove them wrong. She wanted him to succeed.

Sniffing loudly and wiping the tears from her heated cheeks, she stood and grabbed her notebook, flipping it open to yet again look over one of the handful of formulas she’d concocted.

If she had her way, Rhett would succeed. Nothing would stand in his way.

Not even her.

Chapter Thirteen

He’d stormed out of the villa like a pouting baby. Went and sat at one of the resort bars for almost two hours, nursing a beer and staring morosely at the majestic ocean view. More than one beautiful woman had sidled up to him while he sat there. Clad in scant bikinis that showcased perfectly toned bodies, trying to catch his attention with blatant attempts at flirtation.

He ignored them all. None of them interested him. He only wanted Gabriella.

And she thought he was a grade-A screwup that she couldn’t trust.

Sighing, he grabbed the bottle in front of him, slinging back the last of the now-warm beer. He slammed it down with a grimace, shaking his head no when the bartender asked if he wanted another.

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