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It made her sad. And she definitely didn’t want to feel sorry for herself.

Her cell phone rang, startling her from her thoughts, and she went to it, saw the unknown number flash on the screen. Picking the phone up, she answered it, fully prepared for a wrong number.

“Is this Gabriella Durand?” a friendly female voice asked.

“Yes,” Ella said cautiously. Great, it was a telemarketer call instead.

“Oh, I’m so glad I got a hold of you! This is Tessa Worth.”

Ella was stunned silent. Why in the world would the wife of the CEO of Worth Luxury call her on a Sunday afternoon? “Um, hi.”

Tessa laughed, a pleasant, tinkling sound, and Ella couldn’t help but smile in response. “I’m sure you’re wondering why I’m calling you on a Sunday afternoon.”

“The thought did cross my mind.” Literally.

“Listen, we just got back into the city. I talked to Rhett this morning and he expressed some concerns.”

Worry gnawed at her. Was he putting up his sister-in-law to fire her?

Ella frowned. Well, that made absolutely no sense.

“Concerns about what?” She was almost afraid to hear the answer.

“Oh, nothing to worry about. Though I must confess, I think it’s rather sweet, how worried he is about you.” Tessa said this as if she were sharing a juicy confidentiality.

“Is he afraid I’m going to do a terrible job?” Ella couldn’t help it, the question slipped out before she could even think.

“Of course not. He’s excited to start working with you.” Tessa paused. “You did receive the itinerary yesterday, correct? It was supposed to be delivered by courier to the hotel.”

“I did, thank you for checking.” This was getting surreal.

“Sorry. I used to be Alex’s assistant. Sometimes I find myself slipping into that old role.” Her voice became crisp. “I’m prattling on when really I’m wasting time. What are you doing this afternoon?”

“Nothing much.” She wasn’t sure what the woman was getting at, but figured it was best to be honest.

“I’d love to get together with you and take you shopping.”

Ella frowned. “Shopping?” she asked weakly. That sounded like her every nightmare come to life. “I’m not really…equipped to do any shopping at the moment.”

“If you’re worried about money, don’t be,” Tessa said gently. “I completely understand, I’ve been there, trust me. This little shoppin

g excursion will be funded by the Worth Luxury expense account.”

“Oh.” Shock coursed through Ella and she cleared her throat. Who was Tessa Worth, some sort of fairy godmother? “I’m not sure I understand. What exactly are we supposed to be shopping for?”

“Why, clothes for your trip to Maui. Considering how last minute this entire adventure has turned into, Rhett knew you wouldn’t have a chance to return home and gather your personal belongings. He thought it was the right gesture to help you acquire a proper wardrobe.”

Humiliation washed through her and she was thankful Tessa couldn’t see her. Her cheeks were hot. She knew she looked a flushed, red mess. “Thank you for offering, but I should probably decline.”

“Oh please, don’t decline.” Tessa’s voice lowered, as if she didn’t want anyone to hear her. “This is my chance to escape for a little while. I love my daughter, I love my husband, but it’s been so long since I’ve done something fun just for me—like shop. Too long. Please say you’ll come with me. We’ll have a great time, I promise.”

Ella figured the Worths had a fleet of nannies to take care of their precious daughter. And fun? That was the last word she would associate with shopping. “But where will we go?”

“I know of a few stores where we can find exactly what you need. And if you’d like, we could grab some dinner after we’re finished.”

Shopping and dinner with the CEO’s wife? This was getting weirder by the minute. “I don’t know…”

“I’ll have a car sent over to the hotel. It’ll be there to pick you up in thirty minutes,” Tessa said firmly. “Don’t say no.”

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