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So she was aware of it. Thank God. “Flirting and business don’t mix.”

“I can be professional if you can.”

It was definitely the wine talking. He removed her hand from his thigh, setting it on top of hers instead. Which was a mistake, considering he touched her, felt the firm length of her flesh beneath the thin material of her dress. Reaction was automatic, smoothing his hand down her thigh to settle at her knee, and he leaned in, breathing in her heady scent, so close they shared the same breath. “We shouldn’t do this,” he whispered.

She bent her head back, her gaze meeting his, her mouth close enough that he could taste her. “I agree.”

Well, at least they were on the same page. “So let’s not and say we did. Or say we never did.”

“I—don’t know if I want to agree with that.”

Giving in, he pressed his mouth to hers. Once. For only a few tantalizing, agonizing seconds and then he broke away from her. In time to see the myriad of emotions cross her expressive face. Lust, confusion, want, hesitation, frustration.

He felt all of those things and more.

“That will have to be enough,” he said, full of regret as he moved away from her.

The cab screeched to a halt, its timing absolute perfection. “We’re at the hotel,” Rhett murmured. Unable to resist, he reached out, trailed his finger down the length of her creamy soft cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”

She nodded mutely, reaching for the door handle. Sending him one long last look, she turned her back on him and climbed out of the cab, slamming the door behind her so hard he jumped in his seat.

Rhett rattled off his address to the cab driver and settled against the seat, breathing a sigh of relief. The car merged into traffic, pulling away from the Warwick Hotel, away from the most tempting woman he’d ever met in his life.

Maybe she was mad at him, he had no clue. But it was better than sleeping with her.

Not that any sleeping would’ve been involved…

Chuckling to himself, he shook his head. Getting all riled up over such a seemingly innocent woman. She was cute. She had a bangin’ bod she kept under wraps. But she was their future employee and no way could he risk this project. He had everything to lose.

Resisting Gabriella Durand was building up to be the biggest challenge of his life.

Chapter Five

“Miss Durand? They’re ready for you.”

The smooth, dulcet tones of the woman’s voice pulled Ella from her thoughts and she glanced up, saw the secretary smiling down at her patiently. She’d been waiting in the lobby of the executive floor at Worth Luxury, nerves eating at her at having to meet with the Worth brothers all at once. Rhett was intimidating enough.

Depositing the magazine she’d been clutching onto the little table beside her, she stood, smoothing the front of her pants with trembling hands before she fell into step behind the woman who led her down a wide corridor toward a conference room.

Memories of last night’s dinner meeting still lingered in her mind. More specifically, that moment in the cab when she’d touched him and he’d touched her, when their lips had met far too briefly.

She’d been so angry when he rejected her, but upon reflection he’d done the right thing. They were going to work together and a night of reckless sex after indulging in too much drink had disaster written all over it.

Fun, mind-blowing disaster, but a disaster nevertheless.

Pushing the worrisome thoughts from her head, she studied the woman in front of her who was dressed to absolute perfection. Crisp white shirt, fitted black skirt and the highest heels Ella had ever set eyes on. She walked with ease in those intimidating shoes, her long dark ponytail swinging as she turned her head this way and that, smiling and waving at people they passed by.

Ella glanced down at her simple black flats, a step up from the sandals she’d worn yesterday, but that wasn’t saying much. She wore plain khakis with a pale blue button-up shirt and a thin black cardigan, looking like she walked straight out of the Gap, which she had. If she was being truthful, she lacked polish, especially for an important meeting at a luxury fashion house in the middle of Manhattan.

How could the Worth brothers take her seriously when she looked like this? Dowdy and uninspired, completely untrendy, she’d probably look a mess to these men with impeccable—and rather discerning—taste.

She really should’ve rethought her outfit choice this morning but she’d woken late, her head pounding from last evening’s wine consumption. Regret over that stupid too-brief kiss, her behavior, all of it.

What if Rhett backed out? What if he’d told his brothers she was a wanton—albeit failed—seductress who was too much trouble to deal with? She’d be devastated to get so far only to be sent packing.

“Here you go.” The secretary stopped in front of an open doorway and waved a hand, indicating Ella should go inside. “Would you care for anything to drink? I can bring you some water or coffee if you’d like. Maybe tea?”

“I’m fine, thank you.” Everyone was so solicitous, so kind. It almost made her uncomfortable.

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