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“Well, I doubt very much he’s in love with you.”

There went the happiness. Gracie was afraid she said that out of spite, nothing more. “Why do you dislike him so much?”

“Because he wants nothing more than to take you away from me! After all these years of wondering where you were, I finally get you back here and now he’s whisking you away again. Most likely for good, if he gets his way.”

“It’s not like that. I think he only wants the best for me. He’s rather—overprotective.” She smiled, thinking of all he’d done to ensure she received the very best in medical care. And how much Alex must’ve done as well. She’d never felt so protected.

So loved.

“So am I, I’ll have you know,” Grandma said with a huff.

Gracie smiled gently. “And you’re both clashing over that, over me, which is the last thing I want to happen. I’d love it if we could all get along.”

“I don’t know if I can do that—get along with that, that thief.”

That her grandma called Hunter a thief was secretly amusing. He abhorred any sort of stealing, especially after what happened with the former marketing vice president of Worth Luxury. The betrayal still stung. “He doesn’t want to steal me. If you’re nice to him, he’ll be nice to you.”

Grandma lifted her chin. “I don’t want you to go.”

“I know you don’t, but I’m going. It’s already been decided.”

“Don’t you hate that you didn’t have a choice in the matter? That he just up and did this without consulting you first?’

“He did it because he cares too much. This is his way of showing it.” He wasn’t much for flowery words, she knew this. Hunter was much more of an action type of man. And his actions were definitely speaking louder than his words. “He only wants the best for me.”

Realization dawned, and her heart squeezed. They say a near-death experience changes a person. Helps them see what’s truly important in life.

“I want the best for you too.” Grandma drew a deep breath. “But I don’t know if I trust him. He seems shady.”

“Grandma, I’m afraid you’d find any man who shows interest in me shady,” Gracie chastised gently.

“You’ve got that right. But if he makes you happy, then you will have my—reluctant—approval. Someday.”

Gracie laughed and shook her head, relief coursing through her. “That’s all I can ask for.”

“And that’s all I can give. For now. I don’t want to lose you, dear. I just found you.”

“You’re not going to lose me. Thank you, Grandma,” Gracie said softly. “That means a lot to me, your approval.”

“Can I give you a hug? Or are you in too much pain?”

Gracie opened her arms slowly, and her grandma gave her a delicate hug, patting her on the shoulder.

“If he’s as dedicated to you as you claim he is, then you’ll be in good hands.”

“I know I will.” Tears filled her eyes, and she blinked hard to stop them. Nerves jumped in her stomach, and she tried to push them away. She was embarking on a new chapter in her life. Welcoming the love and care of a man, bringing a baby into this world…a baby.

Gracie smiled and pressed her face against her grandma’s springy hair. She couldn’t wait to get started.

Chapter Eighteen

Hunter hesitated outside the doorway of Gracie’s hospital room, a sudden bout of nervousness making him stop. He hadn’t seen her in over twenty-four hours. After the chaos of getting her out of the hospital in Ithaca and then the transfer to Lenox Hill, there’d been no time. He knew she was in good care and in good spirits, the hospital staff having advised him of her condition when he’d arrived earlier.

Now that he was this close to her, why was it so hard to make those last steps?

Her grandmother had somehow found him just before he left Cayuga. Her demeanor stiff, her voice firm, she’d reluctantly declared her conditional approval of him for her granddaughter.

He’d swooped her up in a hug so quickly she’d squealed and told him to stop. While the nurse escorted her back to her room, he’d spoken with hospital personnel, inquiring as to the seriousness of her condition. And then promptly offered to pay for any medical expenses she still needed, including surgery.

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