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Definitely something Hunter wasn’t interested in.

So why did his feet itch to chase after Gracie? He was not a chaser. Egotistical maniac maybe, but it was the truth. Women normally chased him.

Not Gracie. She pushed him away. She made him stop. She told him they didn’t “mix well“.

Hunter frowned. That was complete and utter bullshit. They mixed so well they were downright combustible. Why was he the only one who saw this? Felt it?

Deciding to hell with it, he fled the dance floor, pushed his way through the throng of guests that mingled in the cavernous ballroom. He scanned the room but there was no sign of Gracie.

She’d already left.

“Hey, where are you going?”

Holding back an irritated growl, he turned to find his younger brother standing before him, his arms draped around the shoulders of two very beautiful, very giggly women. “Are you drunk?”

Rhett grinned. “Getting there.” The women giggled louder.

Hunter stepped closer, irritation rushing through his veins. His brother would be the absolute death of him. He had little tolerance for Rhett’s behavior and thought he was a spoiled brat. How Alex put up with his crap, Hunter hadn’t a clue. “Don’t make an ass of yourself at Alex’s reception. Especially after everything he’s done for you.”

“Are you threatening me, bro?”

Hunter snarled at the fumes shooting from his brother’s mouth. Light a match and Rhett would probably go up in flames. “I’m just asking you to, for once, put your selfish behavior aside and think of someone else. Like Alex and Tessa. It’s their night. Don’t ruin it.”

Rhett glared. So did the girls. “I don’t want to fight with you tonight, Hunter.”

“I don’t want to fight with you either.”

They stood silent for a moment, people jostling them as they passed, Rhett’s little harem getting more and more impatient if their loud sighs were any indication.

“Don’t tell me you’re arguing on my wedding day.”

Hunter exhaled, all the fight leaving him in one fell swoop. Damn it, the last thing he wanted was Alex to witness this. “Not fighting, don’t worry. I was actually just leaving.”

Alex stood at Hunter’s side, a look of concern crossing his face. “Don’t party too hard, okay, Rhett?” He sounded like a too-kind dad gently chastising his very bad kid.

It irritated the ever-living shit out of Hunter.

“Anything for you, Alex.” Rhett shot Hunter a smirk as he released his hold on the women. “I’ll see you two later, okay?”

They waved and giggled and left in a flurry of overwhelming perfume and bits of glitter. “Who the hell were those chicks?” Hunter asked the second they were out of earshot.

“My friends. Alex said I could bring them.”

“Nice. What are you going to do, have a threesome after the reception?”

“Hell yeah, and what do you care anyway? Maybe you’re just jealous. I probably get more tail in a month than you’ve ever gotten in your life.”

“That’s because I work for a living, you asshole. Which is more then I can say about you.” Hunter clenched his fists, ready to sock his brother in the mouth.

His big brother would kill him for making such a public display at his wedding reception.

Alex stepped in between his two brothers, his large hands splayed on eit

her of their chests to hold them off of each other. “For once in your lives, can’t you two get along? It’s my wedding day, for Christ’s sake.”

Hunter inwardly fumed. Rhett pushed all of his buttons, none of them good. Why he couldn’t muster up even an ounce of ambition and actually work like a real person, Hunter hadn’t a clue. All the opportunity and chance in the world, and the man was a complete and utter bum. Absolutely worthless.

Rhett most definitely did not live up to the family name.

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