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Gracie dialed Becky’s phone number, waiting nervously as it rang and rang. Finally Becky answered, her voice hushed, and relief filled Gracie. “Beck, it’s me. Gracie.”

There was a moment of silence before Becky’s voice burst forth. “Oh my God, where are you? Everyone’s been worried sick!”

Gracie quickly explained her circumstances. “I guess I’m calling in sick. I have no idea when they’ll release me from the hospital.”

“Wow, okay. I’ll notify Alex and Hunter. I guess this means you miss the spring launch for Worthwhile, huh?”

“Oh my God, I totally forgot.” Disappointment washed over her. “I guess I will. No way can I fly to California, I just had surgery.” Not that she’d want to go to California, but she certainly felt obligated. After all, the launch had been hers from the beginning stages.

What a shame. After all the hard work she’d put into the project, she was going to miss the entire thing.

“It’s okay. I’m sure Hunter will find someone to cover for you in Beverly Hills. He could go if he had to.” Becky paused. “Do you need any help? Do you need someone to come and pick you up when you’re released?”

“Yes, I do.” She was so thankful Becky offered, that she didn’t have to ask. It was still hard for her to do, ask people for help, even if they were her friends. “I don’t really know what’s going on, but can I keep you posted?”

“Of course. Call me or text me daily so I know what’s going on. Take care of yourself, Gracie. And don’t worry.”

“Thanks, Becky.” She wished she could ask her about Hunter but didn’t want to draw any attention, especially since Becky had been so down on him only a few days ago.

Where was he? Did he ask about her? Was he worried? But since Becky wasn’t Hunter’s biggest fan, she decided not to risk it.

Hanging up the phone, she grabbed her cell, scanning through the contacts once more until she reached the Ws. Stopping on Hunter’s cell number listing, she stared at it, fear and nerves making her pause.

She needed to call him. It was the right thing to do. There was unfinished business between them after everything that had happened the Friday night before she left. Plus, there was the baby to consider. As hard as it was to comprehend, it was a fact and she needed to face it. Considering Hunter was the father, he deserved to know.

But she certainly wasn’t going to tell him about the baby over the phone.

Deciding she’d better make the call before she lost her nerve, she cradled the phone between her cheek and shoulder and punched in the number with her good hand, waiting as it rang. And rang.

And rang.

His voicemail greeted her, his smooth voice sounding in her ear, sending a shiver down her spine. She hadn’t realized how much she missed him until she heard him and her heart squeezed with longing. When the beep sounded, she left a message.

“Hunter, I’ve…been in an accident. I’m in Ithaca at the Cayuga Medical Center. I’m fine, a little banged up but okay, and I just wanted to let you know. Thanks.”

She hung up with a grimace. Why had she thanked him? It was so automatic. And she’d hardly given him any details but why hadn’t he answered? Shouldn’t he be sitting on his phone waiting for her to call? He should’ve been worried sick.

Maybe he hadn’t been that worried after all.

And didn’t that just make her heart sink into her toes.

The nurse passed by him in the hall, guiding the loony Grace Hayes back to her room once more. How the woman slipped past the hospital staff, he hadn’t a clue, what with her constant chatter and obvious ways. She was crafty.

And more than a little crazy.

He’d hidden around a corner, tucked deep in a nook when they walked by, and they hadn’t noticed him. That nurse was the one he needed to talk to. She knew where Gracie was. She had the power to get him into her room.

More than anything, he desperately needed to see her.

He’d called Alex earlier to let him know he’d arrived and that he’d found Gracie—somewhat. After explaining about ICU and the slightly demented grandmother, Alex urged him to get Gracie out of there as soon as possible. He even suggested he would call the hospital himself and demand she be airlifted to one of the finest hospitals in New York City.

Hunter usually hated it when his big brother got all high and mighty and threw his power around, but tonight it was just what Hunter needed to hear.

If he didn’t get answers that met to his satisfaction, he would call Alex back and have him pull a few strings. This place had the potential to be a circus. And the grandmother? She was the wacky, out-of-her-mind ringleader of the show.

No way was he going to leave Gracie alone with that woman for another minute. Who knew what she might do? What she might say? She talked like she planned to whisk Gracie away to some secret bunker where she’d never see the light of day again. The woman clearly wanted him completely out of the picture. He hoped like hell Gracie didn’t feel the same way.

Gracie… He thought of the bomb the grandmother dropped. Was she really pregnant? Could it be true? If so, he knew without a doubt that he was the father. He should be scared. Maybe even a little pissed, both at himself and at her for being so careless by not using any protection. Bringing an innocent child into this world while not in a committed relationship was reckless and stupid.

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