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“Human resources.” He was trying to keep it together, but it was damned difficult.

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Marcus shook his head. “You have a lot of nerve.”

“So do you. And it’s called documentation, Marcus. Make one more shitty threat and I will fire your ass.” Hunter smoothed his shaking hands down the front of his jacket. His insides rioted, his body screamed to beat Marcus into a bloody pulp, but he was determined to keep his cool.

He’d already lost it in front of Marcus, didn’t need to give him more fuel to add to his fire.

Without another word, Hunter turned his back on him, gathering the last of his things. He heard the door open, Marcus slipping out of his office, and when he knew he was gone for good, Hunter breathed a sigh of relief.

He’d made an ass out of himself. Lost it completely with a man he’d considered a friend just a few days ago.

That was before he’d degraded Gracie. Was Marcus going to rush off and tell Alex what he saw? Or worse, would he report him to human resources? Just what he needed—Gracie’s friend knowing they had sex in his office.

Hunter scrubbed a hand over his face, irritation rubbing his insides raw. Damn, if this wasn’t a fucked up mess. He couldn’t fix it either, at least not yet. He had to go. There was no way he could stick around here any longer.

He’d head home, pack a bag and then get to the airport. He could probably be at the hospital in less than two hours.

And once he got a hold of Gracie, he was never going to let her go.


“Wake up for me, Gracie. You need to remain strong. You need to focus on healing, both for yourself and for that wee little one you’re carrying.” The voice was vaguely familiar, a little creaky. A woman’s voice that was full of love and encouragement and the slightest hint of fear.

The woman continued. “You’ve slept long enough now, don’t you think? Why, I’m much, much older than you and I’m already pacing the halls demanding they let me out of here, while you lie abed like a fancy girl taking a spa vacation.” The words were shaky, and the woman paused, drawing an audible deep breath. “Please, Gracie. Wake up. They don’t understand why you’ve been unconscious for so long. Your head injury wasn’t that bad. It makes no sense and when it makes no sense, it worries everyone. You’re making me sick with worry, and I don’t know if I can take it much longer.”

Cool, dry fingers clasped around Gracie’s hand and held on loosely. Gracie stirred at the touch, a twitch jolting through her body. A little groan spilled forth from her lips.

The pain was excruciating. It radiated throughout her entire body and settled in a low throb at the back of her head. Nausea threatened, her stomach roiled and she tried to swallow, but her throat was so dry.

“Keep coming back to me, Gracie-girl. Come back to your grandma now, sweetie. Please.”

So it was her grandmother who urged her awake. She’d waited this long to see her and now she had her grandma by her bedside and she couldn’t even wake up? Determination filling her, Gracie struggled against the languid sleepiness. She forcibly opened her eyes, her lids seeming to scrape against her eyeballs. Everything hurt.


She stared up at the ceiling for a second or two before she shut her eyes once more, too tired to keep them open.

“Now don’t you go leaving me after I worked so hard to wake you up, Gracie. Open your eyes, sweetie. Open ‘em for me again, please.”

She did so, snapping her lids open so fast her head spun. Trying to focus on the details, she noticed the ceiling was a drab grayish-white. The room was warm and the overhead light harsh. Too harsh.

Suddenly a face appeared before her. Lined with age and topped with a shock of gray hair, familiar green eyes met hers. “You’re awake,” her grandmother said softly.

Gracie parted her lips to speak, but no sound came out.

“Take your time. It’s all right,” her grandma crooned. “You need to save your strength for your baby.”

Baby? Her mouth was so dry, so were her lips, and she licked them before she tried to speak. “Wh—what are you talking about?” She vaguely remembered a baby mentioned. She just found it hard to comprehend, what with everything going on.

“Why, you didn’t know you’re going to have a baby? The doctor told me before they wheeled you into surgery. You don’t know how much this thrills me, sweetie. We finally reconnect, and you’re gifting me with a great-grandchild.”

“I—I didn’t—”

“There, there, rest for now. Take it easy. You went through the surgery like a champ. Everything is fine, but the nurse said once you wake up, you’ll have to stay in ICU for a night or two more just so they can keep watch on you, then a few more days in the hospital before they release you. I told them they could release you to me. I’d be glad to take care of you.”

Gracie frowned. How in the world could her grandma take care of her when she was still in the hospital too? It made no sense.

“You sure are banged up.” Grace laughed softly. “You’d probably scream in horror if you could see your face right now.”

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