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The sincerity in his voice rang authentic. He would be foolish to confess such a thing to anyone. It could get him into a heap of trouble. Look at how crazy Becky was behaving, and she didn’t know the half of it. “You’re probably right,” she said reluctantly, lifting her chin. “I might’ve overreacted.”

“Not that I blame you,” he said quickly.

She offered him a faint smile and dropped her arms to her sides. She couldn’t stay mad at him forever, right? She was, after all, going to have to work with the man closely. “I guess I’m just sensitive. This promotion almost seems too good to be true.”

“Congratulations, by the way. You’ll make a good fit as marketing director.”

“I haven’t accepted it yet,” she reminded him.

He scoffed. “We all know you will.”

“Fine. You’re right.” She started to walk around the small banquet-style room, stopping behind a chair so she could grip the back of it. She needed space. Standing too close to Hunter sent her head spinning—not to mention the lingering effects of the alcohol she’d just downed. “Was it your idea? Giving me the position?”

He shook his head slowly. “I wish I could lay claim to it, but it was all Alex. I was too stunned that you wanted to leave to even think of it.”

“Oh.” Disappointment filled her. She thought maybe, just maybe, he had something to do with the offer.

“But I don’t disagree with his offer, not at all. I’m glad he made it.” He paused, his gaze darkening. “I’m even happier you’re going to accept it.”

“It means we’ll be working closely together,” she said softly. “After the launch at the Beverly Hills store, I’ll be going on a three-week leave.”

“I’m fine with that if you are.” He paused. “If you don’t mind my asking, why are you going on a temporary leave, Gracie? Do you just need a break? Or is the job stressing you out? Because the director position is even more stressful, you know.”

“I’ll be fine, don’t worry.” She dropped her gaze to the floor, purposely ignoring his question. She couldn’t tell him about her personal problem, her reunion with her grandma. It really wasn’t any of his business and besides, he probably didn’t care.

Though deep down, she wanted to tell him. And she wanted him to care. Not that she would ever admit it.

“Will you be? Really?” He cocked a brow, his words full of doubt.

They filled her with doubt, too. Being alone in the same room with him was hard enough. Her entire body was on high alert. Her pulse throbbed faster, her skin heated and her breath came in quick little pants.

Working with him day in and day out, even more closely now, would she be able to survive it?

They remained quiet for a moment, and she kept her gaze trained on the floor, thinking, planning, trying to find the courage to just make her feet move and walk out. She could feel Hunter’s gaze upon her and she was too afraid to look up and see the expression on his face.

Was he mad? Frustrated? Mildly irritated? She felt like such a fool.

“Am I that bad? Is that why you requested the leave of absence? Did I make you that uncomfortable?”

She jerked her head up, surprised at the aching emotion in his voice. He sounded…sad. Defeated. Guilt assuaged her. He sounded as if he took it so personally.

“It wasn’t you, it was me,” she started, but he cut her off with a chuckle and a rueful shake of his head.

“Classic line so you won’t make me feel bad.” He slipped his hands into his pockets and tilted his head back, gazing up at the ceiling. “I tried my best with you, but I guess it wasn’t good enough.”

Emotions swamped her, too many at once, and she shook her head, trying to shake out the confusion. “I’m serious, Hunter. It’s all me. I—I didn’t think I could handle being around you day in and day out.”

“Yet you take a position that will force you to work even closer with me.”

She laughed. “I know. It sounds crazy.”

“A better position and more money trumps emotions then, is that what you’re saying?” He kept his gaze trained on the ceiling, refusing to look at her and she wanted to thump him in his broad chest to get his full attention.

“What? No, not at all. I mean, I’d have to be foolish to turn down such a fabulous opportunity. I just—I needed a break. Not because of you or the job, not really. There are other things going on in my life. Things I can’t really delve into with you.” She took a step toward him, unable to help it. “I should’ve come to you and told you I wanted to take a temporary leave, and I’m sorry. It’s hard enough, knowing how to deal with all of this after everything that’s happened between us.”

“Deal with all of what?”

“You know. This.” She waved her hand between the two of them. “But I’m a big girl. The few indiscretions we’ve shared can be forgotten, right? We can move past this.”

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