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“Your choice of words is prophetic. ‘Some happiness’ isn’t what I’m looking for, Rhett.”

His smiled turned into a frown. “Then what are you looking for?”

“Nothing. Absolutely nothing.” She started to walk away from him, but he stopped her, his hand going around her elbow and jerking her back so she had no choice but to stop and face him.

“What do you mean by that?”

“I mean what I say. I’m not looking for any sort of relationship, especially with a man who happens to be my boss.” She tugged her arm out of his hold and started walking toward the door. “I shouldn’t even be talking about this with you.”

Rhett followed her. “Why not? It doesn’t matter that I’m his brother. He never confides in me.”

“But still. You’re his brother.” She rolled her eyes. “You’ll tell him eventually. And really, there’s nothing to tell that he doesn’t already know.”

“Oh, come on, I won’t tell him squat. You can trust me.”

She wanted to trust him, but it was too risky. Besides, what could she tell Rhett? That she’d screwed his brother not once but twice and then told Hunter she didn’t want to take it any further than that? Had just told him minutes ago that she thought they were just friends?

Could she become anymore of a cliché than she already was? She didn’t think so.

“I appreciate the offer to confide in you, but I’m afraid I’ll have to pass.” She smiled and went to him, embracing him quickly, gasped in surprise when Rhett wrapped his arms around her tight and held her to him for a moment longer. “Thank you, Rhett. For everything.”

“Nah, thank you, Gracie. For your help, for not treating me like an idiot and for everything you’ve done.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I’ve known you for two days and I feel like it’s been years.”

“Is that a good thing?” She withdrew from his embrace with a laugh.

“Absolutely.” He smiled in return. “Now, don’t let him get away with it.”

“Excuse me?” She frowned.

“I’m talking about Hunter. Don’t let him get away with it. Don’t let him get away from you.”

His words sent a shiver through her. “He doesn’t want me like that. What we shared is—over. I already refused him before. He won’t set himself up for that again.”

“He wants you more than he’d ever admit, I know it. Be brave and go for it.”

“Easy for you to say. Have you ever had your heart broken before?”

His slow smile was filled with sadness. “Lots of times. Doesn’t mean I don’t pick myself back up and dust myself off. You should do the same.”

That she was considering taking advice from a known ladies’ man who had no interest in relationships whatsoever proved just how crazy she’d become. “Thanks for the advice. I’ll consider it.”

“No, you won’t.” Rhett shook his head. “No one ever does, but I appreciate you humoring me. See ya around, Gracie.”

He walked away from her, leaving her by the windows that faced the street, feeling suddenly abandoned and alone. And bad.

Really, really bad.

She caught sight of Hunter pacing outside in front of the store, his cell attached to his ear. No way would she go out there and stand around feeling useless while he virtually ignored her. She’d rather have the salespeople in the store stare at her and wonder what the heck she was doing than go outside and deal with him.


The word taunted her. Worse, she swore it was the voice of Rhett who whispered it in her thoughts. She was a coward, a word she’d never chosen to describe herself before. She’d always been a fighter. Struggling to get what she wanted, doing whatever it took to get where she needed to be.

Now she hid in the corner of a store, too afraid to go for what she really wanted. The potential for love was a powerfully scary thing. One she was trying her best not to face.

She should be ashamed of herself.

The knock on his hotel room door was a relief. Sitting around with his melancholy thoughts and nothing else was enough to almost send Hunter over the edge.

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