Page 68 of Torch (Wildwood 3)

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Once he got home, took a shower, and slept for a solid twelve hours, he would search her out, talk to her, and make her see reason. They belonged together. He missed his little dove, and he had a suspicion she missed him too. He couldn’t blame her for being angry with him, but if she could forgive her bonehead brothers, then she could definitely forgive him too.

“Ah, home sweet home.” Tori, one of the firefighters at the station who’d recently changed shifts and was now on his crew, sat up straighter in the passenger seat of the rig as they crossed the Wildwood town limits. She fought for the passenger seat more than any of the others, and he figured she got car sick, though she never admitted it. He noticed everyone else just usually let her have the seat. She was young and tough and a good conversationalist. He enjoyed talking to her while they drove, plus she had a good eye, so she’d spot the fire or the wrecked car or whatever faster than he did. She was a good worker, competent, and she’d shifted over to his crew effortlessly. She was a good fit.

“Glad to be back,” Tate said with a sigh as he drove through the little town. He took in the familiar sights, his heart and mind weary as he thought yet again of Wren. He hoped she was okay. He’d heard about the fire the arsonist set that destroyed an abandoned cabin just above Wildwood Lake, and while that wasn’t good news, at least nothing happened to Wren.

“Me too. I miss my bed,” Tori said.

“I think we all do.”

“They’re not going to keep us at the station overnight, are they?”

“I don’t know. I think everyone’s on staff. No other engines have taken off for another fire.” He’d had that happen before. Coming home from a fire only to be kept at the station for another week as coverage because they were short an engine. It happened all the time in the height of summer.

“Good.” Tori settled back against the seat and gazed out the window. “I just want to go home.”

“Me too,” he murmured, steering the engine through town, thankful he hit

every single—all two of them—green light so he could increase his speed as he drew closer to the station.

It was on the other side of town, near the lake and the surrounding day parks and campgrounds. The pine trees grew tall as they approached the lake, obscuring the water view until they were right upon it. It came as a pleasant surprise every time he saw it. That wide expanse of deep blue, the sandy beaches combined with the rocky shore. The giant hotel that sat on the other side of the lake, tall and grand as the late summer sun shone upon its roof, the US and state flags flapping wildly in the breeze from the rooftop.

He liked this town. More than anything, he liked the people in it. Since moving here, he’d made good friends. He worked with solid people. And he’d met a great woman, one he wanted to keep in his life, if she’d still have him.

The moment he eased up on the brake and turned right onto the fire station driveway, a sense of relief washed over him. They’d made it home safely. They’d need to clean the rig and get everything in order, but then he’d let everyone go home. He’d radioed in to West as they went through town, asking if they were still needed at the station. Thank Christ West had said they were released to go home.

“Isn’t that Wren Gallagher?” Tori suddenly asked, causing Tate to jerk on the steering wheel, making the engine sway. She sent him a curious glance. “You okay?”

“Fine,” he said gruffly, righting the engine as he tried to find Wren. Ah, hell, and there she was. Sitting on the hood of a car, wearing that same pretty pink dress she had on the night he first saw her naked. Her hair was blowing in the wind. A strand crossed her face, and she brushed it away impatiently, her eyes widening when she saw his engine approach.

Her gaze met his through the windshield, and she waved, a shy smile curving her lush lips.

His heart started to race. She was there for him. She was actually waiting for him to arrive. He thought the best thing that would greet him today would be his bed.

Instead, it turned out to be Wren.

Tate pulled the rig to a stop in front of the garage and turned off the engine, chuckling when Tori threw open the passenger door and exited the vehicle. He thought he was the eager one, but they all spilled off the engine, tired and happy to be on familiar ground.

Slowly he opened the driver’s side door to see Wren standing there, smiling up at him. He caught that hint of cleavage that drove him out of his mind, her scent blowing toward him on the breeze, and he’d never seen a better sight.

He emerged from the engine and shut the door before turning to face her. She’d taken a few steps back to give him room, and that nervous smile was still in place.

“Hi,” she said, her voice filling him up, reminding him of just how much he’d missed her.

“Hey.” He rested his hands on his hips, tilting his head to the side. “Didn’t expect to see you here.”

“A pleasant surprise, I hope?” she asked, sounding worried.

“The best kind of surprise.” His answer caused her smile to grow, and she ducked her head, her hair falling forward and obscuring her face. “What are you doing, Dove?”

She lifted her head, tears shining in her eyes. “I was afraid I’d never hear you call me that again.”

“I thought you hated the bird nicknames.” He took a step toward her, ignoring the rest of his crew milling about, their loud voices fading to nothing but a faint buzz as he concentrated on Wren. He hated seeing her cry. Hated more that he might be the cause of her tears. “Now you’re even crying because of them.”

“No.” She shook her head, and a watery laugh escaped her. “They’re happy tears. I—I missed you, Tate. So much. I’m sorry I shut you out.”

He took another step closer. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you the cause of the fire.”

Now it was her turn to take a step. “I know why you did it. I just . . . overreacted. My brothers have been overprotective my entire life and I’ve always hated it.” He touched her face, streaked his thumbs under her eyes to wipe away the dreaded tears that made his heart ache. “But I could never hate you. I know it’s happened fast, but I really care about—”
