Page 56 of Torch (Wildwood 3)

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She touched his face, her fingers drifting over his jaw, his chin, coming up to touch his lips. She said nothing, didn’t agree that they were too good to give up on, but she didn’t protest either. In the end, she merely kissed him, until they were rolling around on the bed wrapped up in each other. They didn’t talk. The

y didn’t need to. And when the moment was right and they couldn’t stand it any longer, he grabbed another condom and pushed eagerly inside her.

It was good enough. It was fucking great.

He never wanted it to end.

Chapter Sixteen

WREN OPENED TATE’S front door to find her two very best friends standing on the front porch, their expressions one of identical concern. “What happened?” she asked, her voice hollow, her legs weak. If they told her something horrible happened to Tate . . .

She didn’t know what she might do.

“Everything’s fine,” Delilah reassured her, reaching out to pat Wren’s arm. “We need to talk though.”

Opening the door wider, Wren waved them in. Delilah gave her an apologetic smile. Harper sent her a look that said she believed she was straight-up crazy.

What in the world did that look mean? And what could they want? Wren shut the door and turned the lock into place, counting to three before she faced them with a bright smile. “What’s up, ladies?”

“We should be asking you that question,” Harper said as she folded her arms in front of her, tapping her foot on the floor. Her sandal slapped loudly on the bare wood, and Delilah winced.

“Harp, stop that,” Delilah said.

“No. She needs to explain herself.” Harper dropped her arms and glared at Wren. “Start explaining.”

“I . . . ” Wren’s voice drifted. What in the world could they be mad about? She hadn’t told anyone what happened between her and Tate. How wonderful it had been. How it made her feel when he just looked at her, let alone when he touched her. Kissed her. First slipped inside her . . .

Two nights ago had been the first time they’d had sex, and she still walked around with a dreamy smile on her face, like she was in a stupor. And maybe she was. A Tate-induced stupor, which was a nice place to be. She couldn’t wait for him to get off work so they could spend his days off together.

In bed.


Harper snapped her fingers, making Wren blink. “Earth to Wren. I can’t believe you didn’t tell us.”

“Well, it just . . . It happened so fast.” She shuffled her feet and glanced down at the floor, her mind a whirlwind of confusion. What was the big deal if she did actually have sex with Tate? They should be thrilled. They’d been pushing her toward him for what felt like forever. It made no sense. Was she not allowed any happiness? That wasn’t fair.

Not that life was ever fair, but for once, Wren was starting to think it was actually on her side.

“You think just because Levi comes back into town and sweet-talks you that it’s a good idea for you to leave with him? So you can live with him in his fancy mansion?” Harper shook her head and sunk into the dark gray couch, her mouth drawn into a thin line. “That sounds like the worst idea in the world.”

“Especially since you’re living with Tate,” Delilah added as she settled on the couch next to Harper, her gaze full of concern. “I mean, we know you two aren’t in a serious relationship or anything, but we were hoping . . . ”

“Wait a minute.” Wren settled into the overstuffed chair that sat across from the couch, perching on the edge of the seat. “Did you just say Levi?”

Harper nodded, leaning forward. “Don’t play dumb. I spoke to him myself. He was downright giddy, telling me that you were going to go back to San Francisco with him.” She hesitated, but then the words burst out like she couldn’t stop them. “Are you out of your freaking mind? You can’t leave with Levi Hamilton. You’re supposed to hate him!”

“I don’t hate him.” Wren shook her head, amused that her friends would be so concerned with her mental state that they both came over to talk to her. They were always looking out for her best interests, and she appreciated that. Brutal honesty was one of their vows to each other, and right now, Harper was the epitome of brutal honesty.

“You should,” Harper practically spit out. “He’s a dick.”

“Harper,” Delilah said, but Harper turned to glare at her.

“What? You know it’s true.” Harper turned her sharp gaze on Wren. “And you know it’s true too. That guy walked all over you. It was all about him throughout your entire relationship. Don’t deny it,” she said when Wren opened her mouth to protest. “We were young and stupid, and that’s your excuse. You will have no excuse if you go back to him. None.”

“You don’t even know him anymore,” Delilah pointed out, her voice much gentler. If they were playing bad cop/good cop, their roles were obvious. “It’s been what . . . ten years since the two of you last talked? A lot of time has passed. The both of you have changed so much.”

Wren listened, let them go on about bad choices and leaving the past in the past. She wanted them to get it all out of their system before she told them what was really up. It was almost amusing, how mad they were at her. How they actually thought she’d give everything up to go back to Levi. But she knew if she so much as smiled they’d jump all over her.
