Page 54 of Torch (Wildwood 3)

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“You’re trying to drive me crazy,” he muttered against her chest before he nuzzled her breasts with his face. The stubble on his cheeks abraded her skin, her nipples, and she wrapped her hand around the back of his head, pulling him into her chest.

“Keep doing that,” she said, proud that she was able to ask. Demand. Whatever he wanted to call it.

Tate chuckled, the huff of warm breath tickling her skin. “Fuck, you feel so good,” he whispered just before he drew a nipple into his mouth and sucked.

She tipped her head back, every pull of his mouth on her nipple sending sparks of pleasure through her veins. He lavished attention on her other breast, nipping and licking her skin, sucking her nipple, trailing his tongue in the valley between her breasts. His hands were still on her backside, pulling her close, closer, until she was rubbing against the hard ridge beneath his shorts, up and down, working herself closer to her second orgasm of the night.

“Could I make you come like this?” he asked, his voice a husky murmur against her skin.

She gazed down at him, running her fingers through his thick, soft hair. “Probably.”

He grinned, though it faded quickly when she ground herself against his cock. “Fuck, keep that up and you’re going to make me come,” he said with a groan.

The laugh that escaped surprised her, and she circled her hips again, slower this time, her fingers tightening in his hair. His eyes slid closed, and he made a satisfied noise low in his throat, his hands moving to her hips as he lifted her up and suddenly tossed her on the bed.

And then he was on top of her, shedding his shirt before his mouth attached to hers. She kissed him back with equal enthusiasm, her hands at the waistband of his shorts, shoving them down. Until he was gloriously naked, his skin pressed against hers.

It all happened too fast yet not fast enough. Hands wandered; mouths connected and came apart, exploring those secret spots no one else knows. He kissed her just beneath her breast, making her shiver. She kissed him along his ribs, making hi

m tremble. Somehow he found a condom, and somehow she opened the foil package, ready to slip it over his very thick, very erect cock. She gripped the base, intent on stroking him straight into oblivion, but he grabbed her by the wrist, stopping her.

“I’ll come all over your fingers,” he warned her, his mouth tight, his eyes narrowed. He was hanging on by a thread, and the power that rippled through her at the realization left her breathless.

She did that to him. She was the one who pushed him so close to the edge he was afraid he’d fall over it with a couple of quick strokes.


“Maybe I want you to come all over my fingers,” she said, the sound of her husky voice shocking her. She never sounded like that. Never said things like that.

There were a lot of things she’d never experienced before she met Tate.

“Damn, you’re sexy as fuck,” he said, his hand sliding down over hers as he kissed her. They stroked his cock together, Tate showing her the rhythm that he preferred, squeezing her hand tight around his base. She increased the pace, her thumb gathering liquid from the tip and slicking her grasp. She wanted him to come like this, was desperate to make him lose control, but he wouldn’t give in.

Instead he batted her hand away, rolled the condom on himself, and pushed her onto the mattress so he could climb over her. His cock rubbed against her belly, and she scooted up, aligning their bodies better, incredibly eager to feel him push inside her.

“Hurry,” she encouraged impatiently, and he did as she asked, his cock poised at her body’s entrance just before he thrust his hips up, the head of his cock penetrating her.

He paused, took a deep breath, and then carefully pushed in inch by inch, driving her slowly out of her mind. He was so thick and hard, and she held her breath, clutching at his shoulders as he seemed to take forever before he was fully seated inside her.

She popped her eyes open to find him watching her, sweat dotting his forehead, his lips thin, his jaw tight. She reached up and stroked his cheek, her heart fluttering wildly when he closed his eyes and turned his head so he could kiss her palm. “Are we really doing this?” she asked incredulously.

The sharp laughter that escaped him made her giggle too. “I’m afraid so,” he said, his voice deadly serious. Dipping his head, he brushed her mouth with his, whispering, “You feel so fucking good.”

Wren couldn’t find the words to express just how good he felt. So she merely said, “You do too.”

But those three words seemed good enough.

TATE WAS TRYING to be patient. He wanted to take his time and make sure she was satisfied. But it was proving damn difficult what with the way she squirmed beneath him. Or how her breasts bounced, her pale pink nipples hard, tempting little points he wanted to suck. He was a breast man, he could always admit to that, but damn, he really loved Wren’s ass too. In fact, he’d like to flip her over on her knees and fuck her from behind. Would she be down for that? Not tonight but next time? He’d love nothing more but to watch his dick push inside her while she was on her hands and knees, her back arching as she tossed her hair away from her face . . .

He was getting ahead of himself, thinking of future fucking when he should concentrate on here-and-now fucking. Bracing his hands on the mattress on each side of her head, he circled his hips and thrust deep, holding there for an agonizing moment before he withdrew, then pushed inside again.

She arched beneath him, a tortured sound falling from her swollen lips. He knew it would be good between them but didn’t think it would be this good. She wrapped her legs around his hips, her hands gripping his shoulders, and he wound an arm around her waist, pulling her in closer, sending him deeper.

They groaned in unison at the sensation, and he started to fuck her in earnest, their gasping breaths mingling, her feet digging into the small of his back. She felt so damn good, so warm and wet and fucking tight. He pushed and pushed, as if he couldn’t get deep enough. Like he couldn’t fuck her fast enough, like he couldn’t get enough of her. He slipped his fingers between them, searching for and finding her clit. He rubbed quick little circles, her inner walls rippling around his dick, and he knew she was close.

“Come for me, Dove,” he urged, and fuck, just like that she did. She cried out, her pussy gripping his cock with enough force to make him see stars, and then he was coming too, groaning her name just before he collapsed on top of her in a shuddering heap.

So much for prolonging the moment.
