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“I know.” She yawned. “Now, let me get back to sleep. I was having the most delicious dream before you so rudely woke me.”

She laughed. “Fine. Call me tomorrow, when you aren’t so surly.”

Two hours later, Marquetta was still a little dazed from Jensen’s kiss and sleep was nowhere in sight. The man was bad for her self-discipline. Bad for her hard-won independence. Hell, just plain bad. God, already she ached to feel his strong arms wrapped around her, making her feel safe and warm, as if she was meant to be a part of him, a part of his life.

Why couldn’t she stop thinking about him? There were plenty of eager men out there. She could have found someone who was easier to manage. Someone who didn’t set her heart racing with a mere glance. Someone who didn’t keep her up at night wondering what it would be like to make love to him.

And yet, the little talk did her no good at all. She still couldn’t imagine being with another man. Having another touch her in all those soft, warm places that she ached to have Jensen touch. She also knew in the deepest part of her soul that no other man could ever make her blood heat like he did with a simple peck on the cheek.

Marquetta had let herself get all twisted up by a man once. She’d also seen firsthand what happened to a woman when that man decided he’d had enough and walked away, leaving behind a broken and lost little girl. She’d been so in love with Sheldon that she hadn’t seen it coming when he’d p

ulled the rug out from under her.

Now, here she was, a talented, independent woman, and she was dragging along like some stray puppy, and all because of Jensen Kershaw. “Enough already, jeez,” she mumbled. She closed her eyes and forced the man out of her mind. Minutes felt like hours. When the phone rang, she nearly jumped.

Marquetta looked at the clock. Midnight. Could it be? Her spirits rose immediately. It rang a second time, and she fairly pounced on it. “Hello?”

“Hi, beautiful. Did I wake you?”

The deep baritone on the other end had her heart tripping with excitement. Well, hell, the man had the most incredible effect on her.

Chapter Five

“Marquetta?” he asked. “You still there?”

“I’m here,” she said a little unsteadily.

“Is it too late to call?” His rough voice sent liquid heat pooling between her thighs.

Hell no, she wanted to shout. “No, I wasn’t sleeping.”

“Are you in bed?” She heard him clear his throat. “I won’t lie, I’m seriously digging the image of you in bed. All sleepy-eyed and sexy.”

“Yes, Jensen, I’m in bed.” Marquetta couldn’t help the laugh that escaped. “Is that all you think about?”

“Where you’re concerned, pretty much.” A beat of silence filled the line, then he asked, “Does it embarrass you that I want you so much?”

“A little,” Marquetta admitted. “I’m not used to anyone being so…fervent.”

“Nice word choice,” he said around a yawn. “I would’ve gone with crazed, enthusiastic, eager.”

Marquetta adjusted her pillow to get more comfortable. “Are you in bed?”

“Yep, all snuggled in. What are you wearing?”

“Really? You’re going with that line?” Again, she found herself laughing. He was simply too outrageous.

“I love it when you laugh, but be careful,” he warned, “I could drive over there and see for myself.”

That quickly, her laughter dissipated. If he came over, she’d let him make love to her, she just knew it. She wouldn’t be able to tell him no. She was more than a little bit shocked at how strong her feelings were toward him. He was so dangerous to her well-ordered life that it frightened her. She didn’t want him to wield that much influence.

“Are you in your jammies?”

Marquetta contemplated lying to him, but her inner vixen chose the truth instead. “Actually, I sleep in the nude.”

Silence came over the line, then finally, “Are you playing me?”

“Of course not,” she replied, feeling a little insulted. “I’m not a child, Jensen.”
