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“What’s going on?” she whispered.

He chuckled. The man showed no fear, only annoyance. “I wanted the party to come to us, but it looks like it’s already started.”

Chapter Eleven

Killian moved down the long corridor and the club seemed to open up. There were lights, and he saw some cameras set up as well. If this was going live, he was royally fucked, but something told him it wasn’t. The entire room had been set up like some kind of studio.

“Well, well, well, I never thought I would live to see you again.”

A bright light shone in his face, and he put his hand up, trying to protect himself from the sudden glare of it all. The person who had spoken was clearly a woman. Killian held his gun out in front of him. Shadow was outside, and right now this wasn’t sitting well with him. Killian knew he needed to be on the top of his game, as otherwise shit was about to go down, and he didn’t like that.

Don’t screw this up.

For some reason, in that moment, he seemed to think about a time many years ago before he’d even met June when he was having a conversation with Boss.

“I can’t kill women!”

“I get that you think they’re weaker than us, but I want you to realize that they have a strength that no one ever expects.”

Killian laughed. “You’re fucking daft. Off your rocker. Women don’t deserve to be hurt.”

Boss sighed. “One day you’re going to have to make a choice, to kill or not to kill. You need to be sure you make the right decision.”

Over the years, Killian had thought about that one conversation. He’d always believed that killing women was for weaker men. Boss had killed women, and a part of Killian had always hated that about him. In a way, he felt Boss was too cynical when it came to women.

“I see that I’m confusing you. I’ve always found that about men. I guess in a way, it’s why I’ve enjoyed dangling precious little fruits in front of them.”

The bright light was hurting his eyes, and he was struggling to look ahead. He couldn’t see anything as weird shapes appeared in his vision.

Suddenly, he was grabbed, and as he tried to pull out of the hold, his gun was shoved away from him. He reached behind him, and pulled out his knife. Stabbing blindly in front of him, he heard the grunt, and he kicked his leg out.

Out of nowhere there were about six men all over him. His arms were grabbed, the knife was wrenched out of his hand, and he was held down.

“Have you finally secured him?” the woman asked.

Killian fought as he was lifted and pressed against the wall, chains secured around his arms. He tugged on them, but they wouldn’t budge.

“Very nice. I have to say he’s even better looking now than I remember.”

“What do we do if Manic shows up?”

“Tell him that his mother will be waiting for him back at the house, and if he doesn’t complete the shopping, she’ll have a meltdown.”

Killian looked around the room, seeing several old bikers, and they all moved out of the way, giving him a clear shot of a beautiful woman. She had to be in her fifties, maybe even older, but it didn’t look it.

“Ah, I see you don’t remember me. I guess a lot has changed over the years.”

She was wearing a tight-fitting dress that molded to her hourglass figure. Her hair cascaded over one shoulder, and he just knew that this was the woman he’d let live.

Manic’s mother.

Through the fog of his mind, he believed her name was Lauren.

“Ah, I can see that little cloud is clearing.”

He glared at her, and only her. “What the fuck do you want?”

She walked up to him, slapping him around the face. It stung, but he was used to pain.
