Page 24 of Twice As Delicious

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Then Dane’s eyes were no longer on his laptop screen, but on me. I saw the lust in his dark, piercing eyes and fo

rced myself to stop...thinking...about…sex.

Work. Must think about work. The side of beef in the walk-in fridge that needed to be carved. The basil that needed to be chopped. The knives that needed sharpening.

That was my life. My hard-earned success was what kept me warm at night, what motivated me to get out of bed every morning. And it would also be the thing that would help me get past this bump in the road. Or, get past the dead body in the freezer.

So I swallowed the frog in my throat and said, “Good morning.”

“Hi.” Dane shut the laptop lid without looking away from me. “Did you sleep well?”

“I did, thank you.” I glanced down at the glossy wood floors. His apartment was all male, but screamed wealth. Not only because it was the penthouse with floor-to-ceiling windows, but had sumptuous Oriental rugs and beautiful furniture.

“Um, thanks for…for everything.”

God that sounded lame. Thanks for the orgasms. Thanks for fucking me with your buddy. I had no idea what the polite response was for a night like they’d given me. “Hey, can, borrow something to wear?”

He got out of his fancy ergonomic swivel chair and walked around his desk, heading for me. For one so tall, he moved easily, confidently. “Sure, you’re more than welcome to anything in my closet. I’ll show you.”

“Thanks a lot,” I told him, stepping to one side to let him lead the way. “I wouldn’t dare wear that wrinkled up cocktail dress out on the street this time of day. Plus, it’s ruined anyway.”

Dane stopped abruptly and pivoted. A deep V formed in his brow. “Out on the street?”

I nodded. “Yes. I’ll head out in a bit.”

He cocked his head. “To go where exactly?”

“Well, home first, as I need a change of clothes. Then to the kitchen where I prep for events. It’s not too far from here.”

“You’re not going anywhere.” That firm, commanding voice came from Leo behind me, making me jump. He put his hand on one of my shoulders. “Sorry, honey. It’s not safe for you to be anywhere but here.”

I inched my body sideways to look up at him without turning my back on Dane. I didn’t care how tiny I was compared to both of them, or how vulnerable I felt, a little cold, practically naked, and so damned turned on, while the two of them were dressed and looking so self-assured.

“I’ll be fine,” I said, my tone dismissive. “I always am. Besides, I have obligations.”

“Your obligations won’t protect you from what might be out there waiting for you.”

I sighed, crossed my arms over my chest, holding tight to the top of the towel. Yes, I felt ridiculous having this conversation with them in a dang towel.

“See, that’s the thing. Yes, sure, I’m still freaked out like crazy about what I saw in that freezer. I really am, but I don’t know if anyone saw me. Neither do you.” I reached my hand up to where he had his hand on my shoulder and covered it with mine. “Plus, you helped me get through it, remember? You were level-headed, covering my tracks by getting rid of anything that might suggest I was ever in their garage. No one from the O’Sullivan household has contacted me by phone. I checked my voicemail and my emails. I doubt they’d even bother with me, at least about last night. I have two more events to do for them. And whatever I saw, I’ll forget it. It’s not like I’d ever go blabbering about any of my clients. It’s bad business. Aside from that, I have a company to run, bills to pay, and a roof to keep over my head.” I heard the defensiveness in my voice and took a breath, trying to soften it. “I’m so grateful for both of you, stepping in the way you did. And for helping me through the night. I really am. But this is a new day. I have to move forward.”

“It sounds like you’re still trying to convince yourself of that,” Dane replied, leaning against the wall. While he looked casual, I knew he was anything but about this topic.

That slightly arrogant stance sent anger rising up inside me. I stepped back, pulling from Leo’s hold and putting some distance between us.

“I’m not trying to convince anyone of anything,” I countered. “What I do know is I’m my own person, and I’m leaving.”

“What’s it going to take for you to believe your life might be at risk?” Leo asked. His green eyes held a hint of concern, but mostly male intensity.

“Can you prove to me that it’s not safe for me out there?” I demanded.

He sighed. “Listen, Harper. I know you haven’t known us long enough to trust us, but I’m not blowing this out of proportion.”

I’d trusted them enough to sleep with them. Strangers.

“Think of the dead guy. The bullet hole in his forehead. Jesus, woman, he was shoved in a fucking freezer. We don’t want that to be you.”

A sound escaped Dane, something like a growl. “Fuck, scare the shit out of her.”

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