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“Yes, but I don’t care, I’m so happy to hear your voice. Oh, my God, I’ve missed you. I’ve been so worried—”

He cut her off sharply. “Lydia, Lydia, stop. I just want to say I buried my mother today. Just wanted to let you know, that’s all.”

“It must have been an awful day for you.”

“Yes. Look, don’t worry about me. That’s all I want to say to you. I’m fine. You can forget me and move on now. I will be okay.”

“I don’t believe you. I want to come to Prague and be with you.”

“You can’t. Go back to London. Find someone better.”

“There’ll never be someone better, not for me.”

He sighed, the gust crackling through the receiver.

“You’ll get over me. I’m sorry about everything. Goodbye, milácku.”

“Miluji te.”

“Yes. Miluji te.” His voice was barely audible.

Lydia drew breath to speak, but he had rung off.

“This isn’t over, Milan,” she slurred, holding her phone at arm’s length and addressing it as his substitute. “It’ll never be over.”

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Justine Elyot


Chapter One

From the wings of the Teatro dell’Opera, Julia indulged the secret thrill that hearing the dramatic opening chords of Tosca always elicited. Even now, six months after the audition, she had to remind herself that hard work and dedication had got her here, not the fairies. And no, it was not a dream either. Starring opposite two of Italy’s most celebrated male singers was no longer an ambition. It was reality. Or, at least, it had been, until yesterday.

“Have you seen him yet?” Liddy, a chorus member and Julia’s closest friend here in Rome bustled through the safety curtain, eyes bright.

“Seen who?”

“Tempi’s replacement. The new Cavaradossi.”

“Oh, is he here? I didn’t think he’d get here so soon. Thought Rolando was going to understudy for the rest of the week. Who have they got?”

“Nobody knows him. Apparently he’s on loan from some company out in the boondocks, if they have boondocks in Italy.”

“What’s his na—”

A man barged through them and out onto the stage. He turned to face the auditorium, which was empty but for the orchestra and director, before opening his mouth and setting free the most perfect sound Julia had ever heard.

“Who…is that?” The words fell quietly from her stunned, slack jaw.

“See! I told you!” Liddy grasped Julia’s elbow, urgent fingers dimpling the skin.

“You didn’t tell me anything. Seriously, this is Tempi’s replacement? Who is he?”

“His name is Luca.”
