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“Oh, shut up! So you’re saying you would never be faithful to a partner?”

Milan touched barely-there fingers to the back of Lydia’s head, raking them lightly through her hair.

“No, Lydia, I’m not saying that. I’m saying our concepts of fidelity might not be the same. I love lots of people. Lots of special people. Evgeny is one of them. I think you could be another.”

She shivered as his fingertips brushed the nape of her neck.

“If it was just you…” she whispered.

“You can’t tie me down,” he murmured into her ear. “And, in return, I won’t tie you down. Well, unless you ask me to. Bondage can be fun…”

“You aren’t tak

ing any of this seriously, are you?”

“Love and sex are too important to take seriously.”

She turned her face to him. His eyes were infinite, misty-blue, seeking out her core. She had thought her code of sexual ethics was strong… but where was it now?

“You really think I’m special?”

“Don’t you? You are, Lydia. You should know it. I could show you how special you are.”

His lips were gentle on her forehead, then the tip of her nose.


“He wants you too. We talked about you all last night. We would treat you so well… We could show you how well. Now, if you like.”

He had captured her ear with his mouth, and was sending hot waves of desire down its curling shell and deep into her groin.

How would it hurt…just to let him do what he wanted…?

She offered no resistance when he drew her, slowly and sweetly, into a hungry kiss. Encompassing her with his arm, he drew her onto his lap so that her jeans-clad bottom nestled on his bare thighs. She felt him harden beneath her. His hands and his tongue felt so perfect that she forgot Evgeny, who was sitting beside them, watching, right up to the point where Milan bit her lower lip gently and moved his mouth to her ear.

“I’m going to take that bloody fleece off.”

“Oh!” she whimpered, suddenly aware of greedy black eyes drinking her in from the other end of the sofa. “But Evgeny…?”

“Shh. You’ve had sex with one man before, yes?”


“Haven’t you ever wondered how much better it could be with two?”

“Well…maybe. But as a fantasy. It all seemed too difficult in real life.”

“No, it’s easy. It will be easy. And you will never want to go back, once you have had two men want you and lust after you and give you all their love and attention. I promise you, milácku.” While he spoke, he eased the fleece up and over her head. Spellbound, she raised her arms and let him pull it off, revealing her plain white cotton bra.

“So pretty.” Evgeny’s first words were appreciative, and Lydia flicked her eyes over to him, blushing.

“Oh yes,” crooned Milan, bending to kiss each of the pale slopes of her breasts in turn. “Too pretty to keep to myself. I want to see you kissing Evgeny. I want to watch you together.”

Lydia hesitated, but then a rush of blood to the head made the decision for her. She had come too far to turn back now—there seemed no way she could simply put the fleece back on and flee. She was entangled in the seductive threads of Milan’s erotic imagination, and it seemed, at that moment, the only place she wanted to be.

“That’s what you want?” she asked huskily.

“Oh, yes. It’s what I want.”
