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“Thanks for letting me rest. Do you want me to order lunch, and we’ll start going over your schedule?” Dylan walks out of my office after I reluctantly left her, knowing she needed to compose herself and that it had a bathroom attached.

“Well, since you stayed up most of the night, it was only fair,” I respond to her. There’s some color to her cheeks, the tiredness not showing too much now that she’s had some rest.

“My boss is kind of a jerk,” she jokes, and sits down in her seat, my eyes on her as she does the mundane task of taking the phone off the answering service and logging into her computer.

“Ha, very funny. I’ll order lunch for both of us,” I tell her, already knowing what one of her favorite foods is after talking to Hodges last night.

“Do you know how to do that? I mean, with the way you have the decorators coming in tomorrow and how they’ll be done by the end of the week, I figure calling to order food might be a hard task.” She snorts at that last little bit.

“Oh, I can do more than call for food, as you well know, but if you need a refresher, we can go back inside the office, and this time, I’ll use my tongue and fingers.” The way her jaw slackens tells me it was me who just gave her another shock.

“You did not just say that,” she mumbles but is already working on her computer.

“I did, and I’ll prove it to you too. Now, how does sushi sound for lunch?” That gets her attention, and her eyes meet mine.

“Oh my God, who told you that’s my favorite? Wait, I already know. Mr. Hodges. It’s my go-to on every payday. Fair warning, I can eat my weight in sushi. So, make sure you order enough.” I watch as she moves to her purse in her desk drawer.

“You’re not paying, sweetheart. And yeah, seems like Hodges had a special place in his heart for you, judging by everything he’s had to say. He even asked about you last night when we talked.” A soft smile comes out, and yep, they definitely had more of a bond than boss and employer. If I were a lesser man, I’d think they had a relationship like we are building, but I’m not an idiot. He’s more of a father figure than anything else, and it’s one I won’t get in the middle of.

“I’ll just pay you back another time.” She winks. That hard-on I had? Yep, it’s never going away, not with Dylan around. Fuck, even when she isn’t, I have to take the edge off on more than once occasion.

“I just bet you will,” I mumble so Dylan doesn’t hear me. I have lunch to order, and a fucking empire to mend.



Our food got here shortly after Wes ordered it, but then we were practically bum rushed. The interior decorators got here a day earlier than was expected, which kind of works better in the long run because I’m sure Mr. Hottie-with-a-body will need an office before too long. Then the phones never stopped ringing. It was all something easy to handle, but having taken a few hours off this morning, I was behind on every little thing. So was Wesley, for that matter. It’s well after closing time. The building is cleared out, and so is our office. My heels are kicked off, and we’re sitting in the conference room across the hall, both of us wanting away from any and all electronics that included paperwork. That one was for me. My eyes are done for, and it’s only the second day in the work week. What I wouldn’t give for it to be Friday.

“What’s got you grumbling?” Wes asks me. When I told him I could eat my weight in sushi, he one-upped my food goals and bought a boat. Okay, fine he didn’t, but he got the full freaking enchilada, and it’s slap full of all of my favorite kinds.

“Oh, nothing, just stressed. That nap didn’t do me any favors. I could probably work another five hours and still not be caught up.” I take a bite of my dinner, the flavors blooming in my mouth, and I swear this is a little slice of heaven on earth—the rice, avocado, cucumber, flavorful sauce with shrimp. I dip it in wasabi mixed with soy sauce, and instead of grumbling, I’m moaning, eyes closed, and enjoying my dinner.

“Sweetheart.” My eyes pop open, watching as Wesley is boxing up the food. My plate is moved, and then I’m up and sitting on the conference table with him in between my now spread legs.

“I’m never wearing pants again,” I lament. I clearly wasn’t thinking this morning; a dress would have been so much easier in this position.

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