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“I’m fine. Maybe it’s something I ate. You know?” I’m sitting here heaving for the second day in a row after lunch, not that I have time to deal with something as silly as going to the doctor. Dante called yesterday, and it seems there’s been movement in the case, freaking finally. That’s my main concern right now, and if I am allowed to have any say-so, it’s probably why I’m sick to my stomach.

It didn’t help the fact that all of my clothes were accounted for at my apartment after Wesley had them boxed up and moved into his penthouse. There wasn’t so much as a trace of the woman who impersonated me, though I was glad when the freeze on my account was lifted and Wesley got some of the money that was unaccounted for. Dante highly suggested changing bank accounts, so that’s what Wesley and I did.

So, all of my things as well as plants invaded his place, giving it some much-needed life and vibrancy. He now even has pillows and blankets. The best part was the few pictures of us that Wes surprised me with. I walked into what’s now our place after stopping at the grocery store, and he had two framed, one sitting on the side table in the living room and the other hanging by the front door.

“Two days in a row? I’m thinking it’s not a bug.” He rubs my back, holding my hair up so I can wretch in front of him. If this isn’t the sexiest thing, I don’t know what is.

“It could be the meeting that’s happening this afternoon, you know?” I lift my head up, trying to put on a brave face.

“I’m pretty sure that meeting with Dante can wait an hour while I take you to the doctor. Do this for me, please?” I hear the desperation in his voice.

“I swear when you talk like that, it will get you anywhere, including inside my panties. Can we counter this? Say, we have the meeting with Dante since he’ll be here in fifteen minutes anyways, then we’ll go to the doctor. I promise.” I even hold out my pinky finger to him, letting him know I truly mean it.

“Fine, but as soon as he leaves, we’re on our way. I don’t want to hear any more excuses.” Wesley helps me up off the floor, picking me up and carrying me into his office. It’s taken some time getting used to the fact that everyone knows that we’re together now. I mean, it was kind of hard not to once I moved in with him. I relented. Not even a week of us being together, and I gave in. That’s how much I love the crazy man, enough to deal with the snickers and water cooler gossip that still goes on to this day, all these weeks later. The good news is, at least I didn’t hear any of them say I slept my way to the top. Clearly, that didn’t happen, since I’ve had this job for years, just a different boss.

“I’m good with that. I really do think it’s a combination of nerves and something not settling right in my stomach.” I cuddle closer into his warmth, basking in the feel of him.

“We’ll see about that,” Wesley grumbles. He’s in alpha male mode, and nothing I say will sway his opinion. Instead, I yawn before closing my eyes. The steady heartbeat beneath my cheek lulling me into a calming relaxation mode, and before I know it, I’m asleep in Wesley’s arms.



“Please tell me there’s good news?” I ask Dante when he strolls into my office. Fuck, Dylan is rubbing off on me. I’m saying please and thank you entirely too damn much. I guess that happens when you’re around someone as sweet as she is. Dylan, who is currently passed out on the couch in my office. I kept the place modern but still kept it comfortable for moments like this.

“Oh, there is. You still won’t like it though. Do you want to wake up Dylan so she can hear it?” Dante asks.

“No, she’s been sick the past two days, swearing it’s because of this, and it damn sure better be. I hate like hell when there’s something I can’t protect her from,” I admit those words rather easily, and that’s because of Dylan.

“Alright, well, let’s get down to brass tacks because those boys in blue will be here shortly and you’re going to need damage control.” He sits down in the chair near my desk, something Dylan was dead set on having, two chairs near my desk in case I do meet clients in here or if she wants to come in here as we go over her daily tasks. More often than not, she’s perched on my desk. The shades are frosted, and it ends with both of us getting off.

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