Page 25 of Yesterday's Scars

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If Rafe had expected her to be sullen and sulky during dinner he was sadly mistaken as she chatted away to him, a smile constantly curving her mouth. That he was slightly taken aback by her behaviour she had no doubt, and this only made her enjoy herself more.

Sara beamed at them throughout the meal as she served them, making herself scarce after bringing them in their coffee. Her intention was obvious and Hazel saw Rafe smiling after the housekeeper had left, a mocking unpleasant smile.

'Sara's a romantic,' he remarked tauntingly. 'She's treating our marriage like the romance of the century.’

'Perhaps it is, to her.' The smile remained on her face as she refused to be daunted by his sarcasm.

He shrugged. 'As long as she's happy.'

'And aren't you? Just think, Rafe, you'll have a woman in your bed every night,' and that was all he would have, if he did but know it!

He looked unimpressed. 'But not exactly the woman of my choice.'

'Never mind, Rafe,' she said happily, refusing to be drawn by his hurtful attitude. 'I'll try to make it up to you.'

'You'd better,' he replied shortly.

Hazel stood up. 'Oh well, I'll see you later, shall I?'

He looked surprised. 'Where are you going?'

'To bed.'

Rafe's mouth twisted. 'Rather eager, aren't you?'

She was, but not for the reason he was implying. 'Just tired, Rafe. It's been a busy four days.'

'Sara will think you can't wait to get back into bed with me,' he mocked.

'Then Sara would be wrong,' she answered sharply. 'I'm tired, that's all.'

'Oh, I don't mind, it does wonders for my ego.'

'Your ego is big enough already. Goodnight, Rafe.'

'Oh, surely not goodnight, I'll be upstairs myself in half an hour or so. I still have some work to do.’

Him and his damned work! 'Don't rush on my account,’ she told him tartly.

'I won't. But if you've fallen asleep when I get there I'll wake you up. I wouldn't want you to miss out on your wedding night.’

'Oh, I won't fall asleep, I'm looking forward to it.' And she was; she was looking forward to seeing his reaction to her refusal to be his wife in anything more than name.

His eyes darkened as they travelled slowly over her body. 'I'll try to make sure you aren't disappointed.'

'I'm sure I won't be.'

It felt strange to be going to Rafe's bedroom, to know that she had a perfect right to use his bathroom to shower, and to know that she could be in his huge double bed without fear of shocking anyone. If only Rafe knew she was going to make this large infinitely comfortable bed into his own private hell!

She might have been being sarcastic earlier on about the transparent nightgown, but she had in fact bought herself a new nightgown, a white silk floaty creation that clearly defined her curves before swinging down to her ankles. It had thin ribbon shoulder straps and dipped low over her breasts. Let Rafe try and resist her in this!

She waited in the bed for him, hardly able to control her anticipation, flicking through a magazine that wasn't holding her attention at all.

But it was over two hours later when she heard Rafe's firm even tread on the stairs, a long two hours when she wondered if he was ever going to come to bed. Her heart leapt as she heard him approaching the bedroom door and she hurriedly put the magazine down and sat primly up against the pillows.

Rafe gave her a hard look as he came in, and moved silently into the bathroom. Hazel could hear the shower being run and ten minutes later Rafe came back into the room, clothed only in a white towelling robe. In the golden glow of the two side-lamps he looked like a Greek god, the scar on his face only succeeding in making him look more intriguing.

He looked at her again, as if unsure of her mood. 'I didn't mean to be as late as this,' he said abruptly. 'I'm surprised you're still awake.'

'That's all right,’ she answered carelessly, slowly throwing back the bedclothes to get out of bed. 'I'm just going to the bathroom, I won't be a moment.'

She wanted to give him the full benefit of her body which could be seen through the silky material. She knew he was watching her with brooding eyes as she went into the bathroom, deliberately leaving the bathroom door open so that the bright light emphasised her body. She meant to make sure Rafe was fully aroused by her before they even got into bed.

She came back into the bedroom, stretching as if

tired but making sure, Rafe saw the way her body curved invitingly. 'Oh dear, I think I'm more exhausted than I thought I was.'

'Not too exhausted, I hope,' he remarked softly, moving up behind her to pull her back against the lean length of his body, his hands resting possessively on her hips. 'The night is only just beginning,’ he murmured, his lips against her throat.

She turned into his arms, her face raised for his kiss. ‘I know that, Rafe,' she said throatily. 'Oh yes, I know that.' And for him it was going to be a long frustrating one!

He raised his head to look at her. 'I hope you're going to make it a memorable one.’

'I don't think it will be one you'll forget in a hurry.'

'I hope not'

His mouth descended on hers, gently moving her lips apart with a tender passion that surprised her. She responded freely, loving this closeness to him after days of his contempt.

His hands moved caressingly over her back and down to her hips, holding her firmly against his hardened thighs. 'I've been looking forward to this,' he groaned, slipping the thin straps from one of her shoulders to plunder the hollows of her throat, touching each sensitive area with knowing familiarity.

Hazel pressed herself against him, her fingers threaded in the dark thickness of the hair at his nape. 'Then you shouldn't have waited so long,' she said encouragingly.

His hands moved up to cradle each side of her face, bending to gently kiss the bruised side of her face, only a very light discolouration showing she had suffered any injury at all. 'Does it still hurt?' he asked her.

‘No.' She was surprised by his concern. 'But I looked a bit strange at the wedding today. I'm sure everyone thought you'd been beating me.'

'But we both know I have a better way than that of punishing you.’

'And what's that?'

'Oh, I think you know.'

'Show me.'

‘I intend to,' he smiled.


His mouth moved over her with fierce possession now, evoking her response with single-minded determination. One of his hands pushed aside the thin material of her nightgown to explore the creamy softness of her breast, caressing the rosy peak to full pulsating life.

'You're beautiful Hazel,' he groaned. 'And I want you very much.'

But not enough, not yet. She wanted him trembling in her arms, wanted him to be aflame with desire for her before she told him she wouldn't consummate their marriage now or at any other time.

But it wasn't easy controlling her own desire, the clamouring of the senses that cried out for her total surrender. She ached to give in to him, to know once again the full force of his lovemaking as she had known it only once before—but to do that she would have to forget her self-respect, and at the moment that was all she had left.

'We're wasting time out here,' Rafe said throatily. 'Why don't you get into bed so that I can be closer to you?'

It was a closeness she wanted too, a closeness she had to deny herself. 'Oh, Rafe,' she breathed close against his lips. 'Kiss me.'

His eyes darkened as she released the belt to his dressing gown, her arms passing about his waist to caress his back with fevered hands. He shuddered against her as only the thin material of her nightgown separated them, claiming her mouth with a groan.

She moved against him, aroused and tempted him until she knew he couldn't take any more. She felt only triumph as he lifted her into his arms, their mouths still fused. The bed gave beneath their combined weight, Rafe's body covering hers in his consuming desire to possess her.

She fought against her own feelings, forcing herself to reject this sort of relationship between them, this taking without love. 'Shouldn't you take off that robe?’ she said softly.

His lips reluctantly left her throat. 'Help me with it,' he encouraged.

'It's caught underneath you,' she whispered. 'You'll have to stand up.’

His eyes never left her as he slowly stood up. 'Shouldn't you undress too?'

She slowly stood up as if doing what he suggested before diving under the bedclothes. ‘I think I'll have to go to sleep after all,' she pretended to yawn. 'I'm very tired.'

She watched his face as he tried to take in what she had said, his eyes still glazed with passion, a sensuous curve to his lips. He shook his head as if to clear the fog from his brain. 'What did you say?' he asked softly.

Hazel felt no embarrassment at his nakedness, but met his gaze unflinchingly. 'I'm tired, Rafe,' she repeated.

'You're tired?' he echoed slowly, still not quite believing what he was hearing. He sat down on the bed, looming over her like an avenging angel. 'What are you trying to do to me, Hazel?' he rasped.

She looked at him with wide innocent eyes. 'Why, nothing. I'm just tired.'

'So you said,' he ground out, his hands moving out to grasp her shoulders painfully. 'You did this on purpose,' he accused angrily.

There could be no doubt about the blackness of his mood, but she faced him bravely. 'Did what on purpose?'

He shook her hard,, 'You encouraged me, only

'You didn't need much encouraging,' she interrupted bitterly.

'Must I remind you that I married you this morning?'

She sat up, her eyes blazing. 'And you think that gives you free licence with my body, don't you?' she sneered. 'Well, I'm telling you now that as far as I'm concerned the ceremony we went through this morning doesn't give you any rights at all.'

'And if I have other ideas?' His tone was steely.

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