Page 11 of Overnight Wife

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With effort, I tear my gaze from Mara, pleased in the knowledge that I’ll have all the time in the world to win her over. And oh, how I intend to. Because she might have fuzzy memories of our wedding night, but I remember every single second. And I’m not about to let her slip through my fingers.

Just wait, little kitten, I think with a smile as I clap my hands for attention to get this meeting started. Just wait.

Her eyes lock on mine again, and I could almost swear she’s thinking similar thoughts based on the way her eyes widen and her lips part, her cheeks flush in that pink-tinged way they do whenever she’s nervous—or hot and eager for action. So probably a little bit of both right now.

“Thank you all for being here today,” I say with a broad smile. “If you’ve made it this far, then congratulations. You are the cream of the crop. Some of the best this industry has to offer—I should know, because I personally made sure our hiring process is the most rigorous out there.” It seems Mara’s talk about working hard and playing hard in the club was spot-on, if she’s here today. It still surprises me that I didn’t recognize her name from the applicant pool while we were dancing—normally I approve every new hire, but last week I was distracted, eager for the weekend and some release. And then when I met her, well… for once in a very, very long time, work was the last thing on my mind.

But it reassures me that we have more in common than she thinks we do, if she’s here at Pitfire. She must be determined and smart to have landed this position.

Determined, smart, hot, sexy as hell in bed… I sure chose my new wife well, didn’t I?

I force thoughts of her from my mind again while I focus on the new hires, all watching me with upturned faces and eager eyes. “I won’t bore you with any long lectures today, as I know you’re all eager to get started at your new positions. Your direct managers will explain your day-to-day schedule with you after this meeting, as well as orienting you and training you for any equipment and procedures you may need to learn. I just wanted to call you all in this morning to meet you each individually, face-to-face. As CEO, it can be easy to lose track of people, especially in a company this large.”

I look at Mara again, grinning. “So I make it a personal point of pride to get to know each and every one of my employees, from the top all the way on down to our newest hires. If you ever run up against anything you need help with, or any areas where you think the company can improve, my office is always open. I started this company from nothing, with nothing but my own ingenuity and creativity. So I always welcome new suggestions, no matter whether they’re from long-standing employees or new ones. All of your opinions and ideas matter here at Pitfire.”

The room bursts into applause, and I chuckle under my breath. Mara doesn’t clap, I notice. She has her hands tightly clasped together under the table, her right hand wrapped protectively around the left one, almost like she’s toying with the ring right now. Probably wondering what my game is.

Oh, she has no idea.

I make my way around the room slowly, introducing myself, as promised, to each new hire in turn. I start at the front, and as I go, after a short chat, I dismiss each person to their new gig individually.

Naturally, I save the best for last.

I take my time talking to Tyrone, our newest development lead. He has a lot on his plate, fixing up the websites for some of our media clients. We do have a lot to discuss, but I also draw out our conversation, enjoying the tension on Mara’s face. She’s the last employee left to talk to.

When Tyrone and I shake hands and say goodbye, I step over to Mara. I wait, in silence, smiling down at her, enjoying the even brighter red flush on her cheeks, until the door of the office clicks shut behind Tyrone.

We’re alone, at last.

“So,” I say, grinning down at her, unable to conceal my amusement, “still planning on getting that restraining order?”

She sets her jaw, firm and stubborn. “Be pretty hard to get one on my boss.”

My smile widens. “Indeed.” Without waiting for a response, I reach down to catch her left wrist, gently disentangling her hands so I can see the left one.

She flinches, and I can tell she wants to pull her hand away, but she’s too stubborn for that. I can see it written all over her face, the instant when she decides to just let me do this. That she’ll wait. She unclenches her fist, and I gently stretch out her fingers, trying to ignore the flash of memory, back to when these narrow, delicate hands of hers were wrapped around my thick cock.

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