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“I know, I know. Get a move on, will you?”

She was wearing her blue wool coat and had a gray wool scarf wrapped around her head.

“You're going to be hot in that coat,” I told her. “It's not very cold out.”

“Haven't got anything else,” she said. “Everything's gone to rags. I thought maybe after Clara's we could go shopping. I got my Social Security check.”

“You sure your hand feels okay to go shopping?”

She held her hand in front of her face and stared at the bandage. "Feels okay so far. The hole wasn't real big. Tell you the truth, I didn't even know how deep it was until I got to the hospital. It happened so fast.

“I always thought I was pretty good at taking care of myself, but I don't know anymore. I don't move like I used to. I just stood there like a damn fool and let him stick me in the hand.”

“I'm sure there wasn't anything you could do, Grandma. Kenny's a lot bigger than you, and you were unarmed.”

Her eyes clouded behind a film of tears. “He made me feel like a silly old woman.”

Morelli was slouched against the Buick when I came out of Clara's. “Whose idea was it to talk to Cubby Delio?”

“Spiro's. And I don't think he's going to stop with Delio. He needs to find those guns so he can get Kenny off his back.”

“You learn anything interesting?”

I repeated the conversation for Morelli.

“I know Bucky and Biggy,” he said. “They wouldn't get mixed up in something like this.”

“Maybe we've jumped to the wrong conclusion about the furniture truck.”

“I don't think so. I stopped by the Exxon station first thing this morning and took some pictures. Roberta says she thinks it's the same truck.”

“I thought you were supposed to be following me! What if I was attacked? What if Kenny came after me with the ice pick?”

“I followed you part of the time. Anyway, Kenny likes to sleep in.”

“That's no excuse! The least you could have done was let me know I was on my own!”

“What's the plan here?” Morelli wanted to know.

“Grandma will be done in an hour. I promised I'd take her shopping. And sometime today I have to stop in to see Vinnie.”

“He going to yank you off the case?”

“No. I'll take Grandma Mazur with me. She'll straighten him out.”

“I've been thinking about Sandeman . . .”

“Yeah,” I said. “I've been thinking about Sandeman, too. Initially I thought he might be hiding Kenny. Maybe it's just the opposite. Maybe he screwed Kenny over.”

“You think Moogey threw in with Sandeman?”

I shrugged. “It makes some sense. Whoever stole the guns had street contacts.”

“You said Sandeman didn't show any signs of sudden wealth.”

“I think Sandeman's wealth goes up his nose.”

Stephanie Plum 2 - Two For The Dough
