Page 11 of Private Melody

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“Right. Oh! Therin? You had a call come in from a Shepard Yale. Is he—?”

“Yeah…one and the same.” Therin confirmed Ruby’s suspicions on the caller’s identity while wondering what the retired general wanted with him. He didn’t realize he’d spoken aloud.

“The general was a military liaison toward the end of his career. He smoothed more ruffled feathers and thwarted more potential uprisings than anyone who held the post before or since.” Ruby sighed after giving the rundown. “Maybe something’s about to go down and he wants to consult with you.”

“Maybe…” Therin tapped his cleft chin and considered the words briefly before turning his focus back to Ruby. “You go pack. We’ll talk soon, all right?”

“All right, and Therin? Thanks.”

Vaughn came to the living area just as the call ended. “How’d she take it?”

“Not well.”

Vaughn nodded. “Did she have any idea who could’ve leaked this about her past?”

Therin tossed the phone to the sofa. “Not one. Folks she knew back then weren’t really interested in her past, but what she could do for ’em in front of the camera, you know?”

“Right…” Vaughn’s mouth tightened.

“Ruby said a call came in from Shep Yale.”

“The general?” Vaughn dropped to the sofa and listened as Therin shared Ruby’s idea about the man wanting a consult on something about to pop off. “Could be,” he agreed, realizing the only way to know anything for sure would be to meet with the revered general.

“Hell, V, the man’s been retired for how long?”

“And someone with that kind of power never fully retires. Those connections, all that knowledge—it’s always relevant.”

Silence fell while the two contemplated. Suddenly, Therin’s curse was filling the room.

Kianti flashed through his mind. “What’s the time?” he asked even as he checked the Swiss timepiece around his wrist. “Hell…”

“What?” Vaughn stood.

Therin was already halfway out the door.

“I’m so sorry, Mr. Ambassador.” Nenda Watts apologized for the third time since Therin arrived at the front desk. She’d just told him he’d missed Kianti, who had left for the airport ten minutes earlier with her entourage.

“Shit.” Therin brought a fist down to the glossy maple front desk while grinding the muscle in his jaw. Turning slowly, he stared absently past the windows lining the bright, elegantly designed hotel lobby.

Was it worth it? he asked himself, wondering if he should chalk up the chance encounter as a brief interlude in the chaos that was his life. After all, what could come from an involvement between a busy pianist and a controversial ex-ambassador?

He smiled at the combination. It was a mix best left alone. Smirking then, he turned back to the front desk.

“Where was Ms. Lawrence’s flight headed?”

Chapter 4

Pacifica, California

Scottie’s Supper Club prided its location for the bulk of its success. With a view to marvel over, the jazz establishment catered to patrons practically round the clock. Visitors to the club could enjoy a spectacular day or evening view and music from some of the most noted performers in the country.

Kianti had the pleasure of enjoying the club as a patron as well as a performer. She often dropped in to surprise Scott Sanders with an impromptu jam session with his in-house band, led by vocalist Eli Waverly and drummer Shelton Innes. Still, the fact that Scottie’s was located less than ten minutes from her home, was Kianti’s favorite thing about the club.

Having a close friendship with the drummer was a plus as well. Shelton Innes recognized her as part of the audience one evening shortly after Kianti had started attending the group’s performances several years earlier. He kept the spotlight on her until she had accepted his offer to join them on stage. The set was one of her fondest memories, and she and Shelton had been the best of friends ever since. It was Shelton who pulled Kianti onboard in the collaboration for the school that several other musicians hoped to open for musically gifted kids.

Kianti often made a point of stopping in to chat with the group after she’d been out of town performing. She waited a few nights to make an appearance there following her return from Washington. She’d come prepared to perform and the group didn’t hesitate to demand her presence on stage shortly after she arrived at Scottie’s that evening.

The group was in the midst of a mellow albeit affecting session when Therin arrived at the club. It wasn’t hard finding her address. He’d arrived only to find her on her way out. Thankfully, it hadn’t been too difficult to follow her to the club that was only a short distance away. Now what? he asked himself while claiming a seat at the bar in hopes of keeping himself somewhat shielded from her line of sight. He took a seat near the end of the bar figuring Kianti wouldn’t notice him there. He wondered whether she’d even notice him at all. They really hadn’t had all that much time together. Thinking on that, he couldn’t ignore the question that had been plaguing him since he headed south instead of north to Canada upon leaving Washington State. Exactly what was he doing there?
