Page 57 of Indulge Me Tonight

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“Can’t it wait?” another asked. “I sure don’t want my breakfast ruined.”

“I apologize for the timing, folks.” Faro’s grin negated the sincerity of the apology. “I think it’s best to get this handled early in the day. I’ve got the feeling there will be a lot to say afterward. Best not to have those conversations lingering on into the dead of night.”

“Get all of what handled?” Paul Clegg asked.

Faro took a theatrical breath. “I hoped this wouldn’t have to happen. That folks would do the right thing—”

“Faro, don’t do this.” Desree moved to give the plea.

“Do what, Aunt Des? Go after my birthright?”

“Aw, man, what the hell are you talkin’ about?” Gerald Clegg groaned.

“All of you know I deserve more than what I’ve been given! I busted my ass for Dad all my life, and in the end what’d it get me? Baby brother being positioned as my boss?”

A collective groan filled the room. Many had heard Faro’s complaint before and often.

“Are you ever gonna let this go?” Asia asked her cousin. “Uncle Ken obviously had his reasons for leaving Grae in charge.”

“And thank God he did,” Barry Clegg called out. “Our pockets haven’t hurt a day since Grae took the chair.”

“How fortunate,” Faro sneered. “Still doesn’t make it right. Grae’s successes shouldn’t mean that I have to be denied what should’ve been mine in the first place.”

“Don’t matter now anyway,” someone said. “Ken’s dead and his will says that he wanted Grae to take his place.”

“My father’s will said a lot of things, and it just so happens I hold the deed to the land where Clegg Marketing Park stands.”


Faro smiled at the question. “Kenneth Clegg’s will clearly states that any family member in possession of this deed could claim the position as CEO if the deed holder feels the company’s current leadership is unworthy.”

The family members began to shift ever more restlessly in their seats as though they were coming to realize what Faro was threatening.

“This is goin’ too far, Faro,” someone said.

“Yeah, man, it’s time to end these issues with Grae. He’s your baby brother.”

A few in the room looked to Grae. Clearly, they expected him to challenge Faro. Grae remained silent, his cool, bronze gaze betraying nothing.

“I’m well within my right to see this through.” Faro smirked. “In time, you guys will see that.”

“Why’d you bring us up here for this, Faro?” Barry asked. “Do you really think any of us would support you carrying out such a disgrace?”

“You should think about that word, Uncle Barry. Disgrace. I think there’re many disgraces that’ve been carried out over the years.”

“Faro, that’s enough!” Desree spat. “Think before you do this.”

“Why, Des? My father didn’t think before he put a—” Faro bowed his head then and sighed. “Dad didn’t think once before he put someone with no experience, no clue of how the game is played, in charge of the business when he was gone. Grae played around in school while I worked my ass off in class and internships to graduate with honors. I have damn well earned my chance to sit at the helm, and the strength of my grades is least among the reasons why.

“I waited.” Faro shook his head. “Waited to go after what was mine, hoping I could be the kind of upstanding man some believed me to be.” He looked at Tielle. “It was just too much to stand by and be passed over at every turn in favor of a disgrace.”

“Faro, you—”

“I may not have had your grades or your experience,” Grae’s voice resounded over that of a male cousin who stood to champion him, “but I do have a passable idea of how the game is played, Faro. I’m not the only one who took a close look at Dad’s will. It states that any family member in possession of the deed and employed by the firm has the power to make a challenge for the authority seat.”

Faro nodded, his grim smile reflecting the hint of satisfaction. “Glad you understand the strength of the claim.”
