Page 65 of Falling Fast

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“Look at me, baby,” he repeats, and I do. As he wraps his hand around the back of my knee and pulls my leg up around his jean-covered hip, the material scrapes against the sensitive skin of my inner thigh and two thick fingers slide inside me. “I love how wet you get for me.” He kisses the shell of my ear. “The sounds you make.” He nips it. “The way you feel so fucking soft and sweet in my arms.”

“Oh, God,” I pant, sliding my hands up to his neck and turning my face toward his. “Please kiss me,” I beg. His mouth lands on mine and his tongue slips between my parted lips.

The moment his taste hits my tongue, I come apart at the seams right there, out in the open. Even though it’s not dark out and there is not a cloud in sight, the stars dance and lightning strikes, making my entire being light up from the inside out. I moan against his tongue and tighten my hold on his hair to keep myself from losing him. Picking me up with his hand behind my other knee, I wrap my legs around his hips as he carries me inside. I help him out of his jacket, and it drops to the stairs on the way up. Then his shirt and mine join it along the way.

“Lose the panties,” he growls as he drops me to the bed. Shimmying out of my panties, I watch him kick off his boots and then remove his jeans. The moment he’s naked in front of me, his hand wraps around his cock and he starts to stroke. I whimper at the sight of him, and my core tightens in anticipation. I can’t get enough of him. I know I never will. “Come here.” He crooks his finger at me, and I get up on my knees and move toward him.

I don’t even think about what I’m doing. But seeing him with his hand wrapped around his cock, I want my mouth on him. I wrap my hand around his and lick over the head. Hearing him groan in approval, I take him deeper, so deep that he bumps the back of my throat.

“Fuck.” His hand slides into my hair, and I look up at him and see his dark lust-filled eyes are locked on me. Moving my hand with my mouth, I twist and bob, taking him as deep as I can. “Christ, so fucking perfect.” His hand slides down my back and over my ass, and then his fingers are in me, making me moan and whimper around his length. “As much as I’m loving this, baby, I’m not fucking coming in your mouth,” he growls, but I ignore him and keep going, so lost in the moment that I don’t even care what he wants. “Jesus.” His hips jerk back, forcing me to release him, then I’m on my back and his face is between my legs. Licking, sucking, nipping, and biting every single inch of me. My hips arch off the bed to get more of his mouth and fingers that are fucking into me ruthlessly.


“Let go,” he snarls against my clit, and I do.

I let go and fly over the edge into darkness, where he catches me, bringing me back to life with his mouth on mine and his cock sliding deep inside of my still pulsing core. My legs wrap around his hips and my nails dig into his back as he fucks me hard. His hips piston and jerk so quickly that my breath hitches and my mind blanks of everything except him and what he’s doing to my body.

Knowing I’m going to lose myself again, I tighten my hold with my legs around his hips and my arms around his back. This time when I come, he comes with me, groaning down my throat while I moan down his.

Slowing his strokes, his hand moves to the side of my face when our breathing has evened out, and my eyes open to find him looking at me.

As I see the look in his eyes, my lungs get tight. I don’t even have to ask him what he’s thinking to know, because I’m sure I have the same look in my eyes right now. I’ve fallen right into love, and I don’t even know when it happened.

“You okay?” he asks, running the pad of his thumb across my cheek while studying me intently.


“Did I hurt you?” he questions, searching my eyes, and I shake my head. Dropping his forehead to mine, I watch his eyes close. “I took you hard.” He did, but I loved every second of it.

“You also made me come hard,” I murmur, running my hands down then up his back. “I think I might have marked you.”

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