Page 41 of Falling Fast

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“You kissed me,” I accuse, which sounds dumb to even me, because last night, I didn’t fight the kiss or pull away. Even when it ended, I laid my head right back down on his chest, where I fell asleep and stayed through the night.

“It’s too early for this. Go back to sleep. We have at least another hour before we need to get up,” he says, tucking the top of my head under his chin. Staring at the column of his throat, I wonder what his skin tastes like then wonder if he would notice if I touched my tongue to it. Figuring he would probably notice that, I close my eyes and try to go back to sleep, but I can’t. I’m way too wound up to even think about sleep.


“Yeah?” he asks, not sounding any more awake than he sounded minutes ago.

“I can’t go back to sleep.”

“Do you want to make out?” he suggests, and a shiver slides over my skin while my fingers tighten in the material of his shirt under my cheek.

“I don’t think that would be smart. Do you?” I ask, hoping he agrees with me while wishing he wouldn’t.

“I’m going to kiss you, Gia, and it’s going to happen a lot. So smart or not, it is what it is.”


“Don’t deny there is something building between us, Gia. ‘Cause that will piss me off,” he warns, dipping his chin down so he can look at me.

“I’m not going to deny it. I like you, and I…” I pause, trying to get my thoughts in order, which is difficult, since he’s right there looking at me. “I just like you. But you’re my only friend here. I mean, yeah, I have Nina and Ned, but they’re older, so it’s not the same. I don’t want to lose your friendship if things go bad. If we don’t work out, that will happen.”

“If things don’t work out, we’ll worry about it then.”

“You can’t say that.”

“I can.”

“You can’t,” I deny, right before he adjusts us so my back is to the couch and he’s over me with one thigh between mine. “Colton,” I gasp, but I don’t get anything more out.

His mouth hits mine, and his lips are firm and demanding, the opposite of last night. My lips part, and when they do, his tongue sweeps in, his taste hits me, and a shiver of pure delight slides over my skin and through every inch of me. Kissing him back, I mewl when his hand slides under my skull so he can tip my head to the side and deepen the kiss. Listening to him groan, I slide my hands up the back of his shirt, where I’m greeted by warm skin.

“Oh shit.”

Hearing that, Colton’s mouth leaves mine.

“Ma, what the fuck?”

His mom? Oh, God!

I keep my eyes closed and squeeze them even tighter, wanting to melt into the couch and disappear.

“I’m sorry. I’ll just—”

I don’t hear anything more except the door shutting behind her. At least I’m pretty sure she left. Then again, she might still be here—not that I’m going to open my eyes to find out.

“That didn’t just happen,” I whisper, wishing it didn’t but knowing it totally did. His mom just walked in on us making out on his couch, where we spent the night.

“Gia.” His hand wraps around my cheek and I shake my head.

“I’m not here right now,” I reply, then feel his forehead touch mine.

“Look at me.”

“Your mom just walked in on us… making out.”


I know by the amusement in his voice that if I open my eyes, he will be smiling. “She’s my boss.”

“Actually, I’m your boss,” he mutters, and my eyes fly open just so I can attempt to kill him with my glare. “Okay, it’s too soon to make a joke of it.”

“I can’t believe this.”

“She was bound to find out about us eventually,” he says, and my eyes widen. “I’m not going to hide the fact I like you and that I really like kissing you.”

“You are not allowed to kiss me in front of your mother,” I hiss, and he grins.

“Like I said, I’m not going to hide the fact I like kissing you,” he repeats, emphasizing that statement by kissing me again.

“Colton.” I shove at his chest, which does nothing at all to move him.


“Colton,” I growl in frustration.

“Gia,” he laughs, sliding his fingers across my cheek. “I would love to continue this pointless argument, but I need to tell my mom that she can come inside and that she doesn’t need to stand out on the porch with her ear to the door.”

“I’m not doing that,” I hear through the wood of the door, and my cheeks burn.

“Come in, Ma,” he calls, pulling me up with him as he stands from the couch.

As soon as the door opens, Rose looks between us, and I pat my hair and adjust my shirt. “So how long has this been going on?” she asks, waving her hand out in our direction.

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