Page 32 of 305 Lovin' 3

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While the bartender fixed my drink, I looked around the club and then pulled out my cellphone to text Tracy, just to let him know that I was in V.I.P. As soon as I finished the text, the bartender set the drink down in front of me. I thanked her and sipped on my drink. My throat was so dry, and this was exactly the fix that I needed.

“You know you are way too fine to be sitting at this bar by yourself. Where your man at?” a handsome man said.

He was dressed casually in a white Polo dress shirt and a pair of white jeans from Levi’s, with a pair of Polo loafers on his feet. Adorning his neck was a Cuban link chain that looked heavy as fuck, with the matching bracelet. He stood at about six feet even, was dark skinned, and had the perfect set of white teeth. He kind of put me in

the mindset of the singer, Tyrese, not to mention he smelled good as hell. It’s crazy because I normally went after light skinned dudes, but this chocolate motha fucka standing in front of me was fuckin’ beautiful.

“I just moved down here for work, and I don’t really know anybody,” I said, lying through my teeth.

Fuck was I supposed to say? That I came there to rob a nigga, and from the look of all this flashy jewelry he had on, it just might be his ass.

“Damn, okay, I like an independent woman who works and pays her own bills. That’s like the sexiest shit to me,” he said.

Clearly, he didn’t know me because the woman he just described, I was far from it.

He sat on the stool next to me and I got kind of nervous. I don’t know if it was due to the fact that this nigga was so fine, or if it was the fact that I didn’t think that I would be able to pull this shit off. He might have looked like Tyrese, but I could tell that he wasn’t no singing ass nigga. In fact, he looked like he would kill my ass dead right now if he knew what I was up to.

“What’s your name, beautiful?” he asked me.

“Monica, but everybody calls me Mo,” I said, lying again.

Rule never one, never confess your real name to your prey because when it’s all said and done, they may come back looking for you.

“Okay, Mo, I’m Davion. It’s nice to meet you,” he said, pulling my hand up and then kissing it.

“Nice to meet you too,” I told him after shyly pulling my hand away from him.

“Hey, Davion, don’t mean to interrupt you, man. Somebody is at your office waiting to talk to you and they said it’s very important,” the bouncer who was guarding the rope to VIP walked up and said.

His office? This was this nigga’s club? Well, won’t he do it?

“Alright man, I’m about to go and check that out. And you, Ms. Mo, are you going to disappear on a nigga? Or are you going to wait until I get back?” he asked me.

Shit, now that I knew he owned this bitch, you damn right I was waiting for his ass to get back.

“I’ll wait for you, but don’t take long because I have work in the morning,” I lied yet again.

“I promise it won’t take long. Order whatever you want, it’s on me,” he said and got his sexy ass up to leave.

When he left, a thought ran through my mind. I planned to leave Tracy’s ass tonight. Most likely I was going to take my ass back to Miami because I was tired of hiding and I had no place else to go. But now, after sitting here with Davion, it made me want to switch things around. I knew for a fact that this nigga was sitting on some big paper, and I didn’t want to rob his ass once. In fact, I wanted to continue to rob his ass every day, so I decided to send Tracy a text.

Hey, you can go on and head back to the motel. I have it from here, trust me on this one.

After I sent the message, I looked around to make sure that Davion wasn’t going to pop up from behind me or some shit.

Tracy texted me back:

Are you sure? What’s going on?

Just go! I’m telling you, I have it from here! I sent back.

Alright yo!

Was his reply, and that was that.

“You ready to go now, beautiful?” Davion asked, walking back over to where I was sitting.

“And where exactly are we going?” I asked as I put my hand in his and he helped me down off the stool.

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