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“And when was this?” I asked him.

“Damn, Toya, why the fuck does that matter? Do you want to know how many times the bitch came too?” he smartly asked.

“Diandre, you are so disrespectful, and you’re acting like you’re so shocked right now that I’m pissed off about the situation. My nigga, a nigga that I took a fuckin’ chance with just confessed to fuckin’ another bitch, and you expect me to be okay with that? How would you feel if I were to tell you that I fucked another nigga?” I asked him. I wanted to know how he would feel if the shoe was on the other foot.

“I ain’t even worrying about that, Toya, because you know better.”

He acted like it was just fuckin’ unrealistic and inhumane that I would go out and get myself another nigga. I swear men killed me with the fuckin’ double standards! They could go out and do all the dirt in the world, but as soon as a woman cheats, it’s a

whole different story.

“I tell you one thing, me and you, whatever we had going on is over. You have the upper hand now due to the fact that my car is at my house and you took my phone, but as soon as you drop me back home, I bet I’ll be done with your ass,” I said.

I didn’t even know if I had convinced my damn self into believing the bullshit that had just left my mouth.

“Yeah, whatever, put back on your seat belt so we can go home. We could have been home by now, starting on round three,” he said with a smirk.

“Nigga, you really must take me for a damn joke. I’m not even sleeping in the same room with your ass tonight. I’m going in the guest room, locking the door, and taking my ass to sleep,” I said, folding my arms across my chest.

“I’ll show you better than I can tell you. I bet I get them panties off tonight,” he cockily said.

I didn’t even respond to his ass.

Chapter 9: Dre

I know what you’re thinking, I fucked up and I’ll admit I did, but I wasn’t going to admit that shit to Toya. What the fuck for when she already knew I did? Hell, there was no point in me saying it too. I want to sit here and say that this whole relationship shit is new to me and I wasn’t used to being with just with one woman, but then I would come across as making excuses, and I never want to appear as a “making excuses ass nigga.”

Toya was my “it” girl, everything I wanted in a woman. I swear it was something about those mean chicks, but deep down inside, all they were was a big ass cry baby. That shit turned me on and made a nigga dick hard because the tears proved to me that they cared about my black ass. Since I’ve been with Toya, if I learned anything about her, it was the fact that if she didn’t like some shit, she spoke up on it. I liked that because it proved to me that she wasn’t about to have me walking all over her heart and shit.

This whole shit that went down with Fiona and I, yeah, it was fucked up, but at the time, I thought that it was the right thing to do. I never in a million years did I think this shit would get back to Toya, mainly because Toya and Fiona are from two different parts of town. Fiona is from Pompano while Toya is a Miami girl. Even though the distance is only about 45 minutes apart, it still makes a big difference because they didn’t fuck with the same people.

I fucked Fiona on some “trying to prove a point” type of shit. Only thing the bitch had going for her ass was that big ass booty, which is why her name was saved in my phone under “Fat booty Fiona”. It’s crazy because the other day I was going through my contacts and I saw her contact name. Right when I was about to delete the shit, Toya had called me to meet her for lunch, so I never finished doing what I was supposed to do. This shit was minor though, and I was not about to let Toya leave me over some bullshit like this.

I haven’t told her yet, but I loved Toya. That girl was everything to me and more, even though it’s only been a little minute since we’ve been going strong, and this is like the biggest fight we’ve had since we’ve been together. I say the biggest because Toya’s ass will pick a fight at the most random time and it’ll be over little shit.

For instance, last week we were at Target getting shit to decorate her bathroom at her house. Number one, I didn’t want to go to no damn target, but she agreed to give me some pussy when we got back home, so I said fuck it and took her anyway. As we were in the store, a bitch walked past and I already knew her ass was going to be fat by how wide her hips were. It’s like Toya had fuckin super powers or some shit because as soon as I attempted to turn my neck and look at the bitch with all that ass, Toya was already down my throat about me always looking at bitches’ asses. I had to laugh in my head because this woman really was crazy as hell, but I loved that shit because we could be crazy together.

We pulled up to my condo development, and I parked my car in my parking spot and got out. Toya got out after me, and as she walked ahead of me, I pulled her into me and picked her up.

“Oh no! Put me down, I’m not even fuckin’ with you like that!” she said, still holding on to her little attitude.

“Damn, you still mad? What a nigga got to do? What you want? You want that new Hermes bag? Or the new Chanel purse? Anything you want,” I said, trying to be funny, but clearly the shit didn’t make her laugh.

“I want you to unfuck that bitch! Can you do that?” she asked. I didn’t answer her. “I didn’t think so! Now put me down,” she said, and I continued to carry her up the stairs.

When we made it in front of my door, I pulled out my keys and let her in. She stormed into the house and I closed the door behind me. I knew that I was going to need something strong, fuckin’ with her and her attitude tonight.

I went into the kitchen and got me a shot glass, then went over in my little bar section that I had in my kitchen and poured me a shot of that good ole Cîroc. I killed the first cup and poured me another cup. After I finished indulging in that shit, I made my way upstairs to my room. I guess Toya was telling the truth about not bringing her ass into my room. I went over to my nightstand and pulled out my stash of weed. I would say that I was about to smoke this to relieve some stress, but shit, my ass smokes weed every fuckin’ day.

I sat down on the bed, removed my Timbs and got ready to take part in my daily activity. I used my fingers to break the weed apart, making sure I got it into little pieces. You know all that shit, licking the blunt, sealing off small tears, spreading the shit, you professional weed smokers know how this shit goes.

Within two minutes, I was in a full out smoking session in my room. I finished off the majority of it and put the rest out. Then I jumped off the bed and went to take a quick shower. Turning on the light, I walked over to the mirror and my eyes were red and low. I ran my hand across my head, thinking to myself, I’m one fine ass nigga. After that, I jumped my ass in the shower and didn’t get out for another ten minutes. I stepped out and wrapped my towel around me and then went over to the sink and brushed my teeth. After I dried off, I threw on a pair of my Polo boxers, and that’s all I put on. Now, it was time for me to go and fuck some sense into my girl and relieve some of her stress.

Down the hall, she had the door cracked. I walked in on her and she was sitting Indian style on the bed with a glass of red wine in her hand. She was wearing one of my shirts that she must have snuck and got out of my room while I was in the shower.

“Why you drinking that red wine with this white carpet on the floor?” I asked her as soon as I stepped into the room.

She ignored me and continued to watch whatever the hell it was that she was watching on TV and held the wine in her hand. I adored her long, sexy caramel legs, and the way her long curly hair was pulled up into a high bun on the top of her head. I noticed her staring at me with those sexy ass grey eyes that I knew would be the death of me since day one.

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