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lf being somebody’s daddy. When Mahogany and I found out that she was pregnant, before the piss could dry off the stick, I was hollering out for her to get an abortion. I’m glad that God talked some sense into both of our asses and had us walking up out of that clinic before she could go to the back and end a life that she and I made out of love.

“I ain’t perfect with this relationship shit, though. I know every day I’m making that woman question herself if this is really what she even wants, but when it comes down to it, I know I love shorty. I know I gotta get my shit together and do right by her because I won’t meet another bitch today that could do half of what Mahogany can do, and I’m not even talking sex. I’m referring to everything in general,” I vented.

Maybe I was still high off her pussy, which had me running off at the mouth, but everything that I said was true. For ten minutes, we sat and talked about relationship shit until we finally changed the subject.

“So, you ready for tomorrow night? You think you still got it?” I asked, referring to the fight.

“I know I still got it. All this pent-up anger and shit that I got, I’m liable to knock this nigga out in the first round. Shit just going to feel weird, yo. My ole girl is not here and shit. My pops is flying in tomorrow morning, so that’ll help somewhat to fill the void, but it’ll honestly do very little,” he said.

“I feel you, man. All this practicing and shit that you doing, does it have you feeling like you want to get back out there and fight?” I quizzed.

There was a time when Miami ate, slept, and breathed boxing. When we were younger, and I would come down for the summer, that was all his ass wanted to do. My high school summers, I stopped coming down to visit him because the majority of his days would be spent in boxing practice, and I wasn’t into boxing like that, so I started just staying my ass back home in Atlanta. I was happy for my cousin, though, and I made sure to tell him that every chance I got.

“It’s bittersweet. A lot of early mornings and late-night practices. Physically, I work out all the time, but boxing is mental too, so I’m still trying to gain that pack. I’m just doing this shit for the cause, though. I made a promise to myself when my ole girl died that I was through with this shit. That was my biggest supporter right there, yo. I won’t fight the same without her,” he let me know.

I nodded because I understood him.

Giovonni “Trip” Young

For the past few weeks at the prison, they’d been doing random ass sweeps. They said it was because in just the last two months, there had been four deaths that were all caused by some type of shank that an inmate had. To stop that shit from happening, they would search our cells at the oddest time of day. Because of that, I had Raynell holding down my cell phone. If they found that shit in my cell, it was back to solitary confinement for me. I just came out of that bitch a month ago, and I wasn’t trying to do anything to get thrown back in there.

Without having the phone, I wasn’t able to blow up Jashae’s phone like I wanted to. I couldn’t even use the fuckin’ prison phone because I didn’t have any money on my books. Shae was the one who always put money on my books. My ole girl would do it here and there. Even my other little shorty, Krystal, would shoot a nigga a couple of dollars, but that was literally every blue moon.

I didn’t talk about Krystal much because there really wasn’t much to talk about. She was just my fun girl. The girl who entertained me while I did this sentence. She was the one who would do shit for me that Shae was too afraid to do, like sneak behind the vending machines in the visitation with me to let me buss a nut or send me sexy pictures of her in the mail.

I knew Krystal from back home. Prior to dealing with me now, I ain’t never touched that girl when I was free. Not that she wasn’t attractive or no shit like that, but I just never pursued her. I was about four years into my prison sentence when I got my first letter from her. I still had it too. It was under what was supposed to have been my mattress, along with the other letters that I had from her. She was just reaching out, telling me how she felt bad about what happened, and how she was going to keep me in her prayers and whatever other bullshit she was talking about. In translation, that hoe just wanted to fuck me.

I entertained her ass, though, because four years into my sentence, that’s when this shit was really hard on Shae. Vonte was almost a teenager, Shae had just graduated college and was trying to find a career, all the while still trying to accept the fact that I was gone and not coming back home to her. Our fourth year in, shit was rocky because this transition for us both was still fairly new. Hell, I needed somebody, and that’s the only reason I wrote Krystal back. She just instantly became that person for me to sell a bunch of lies to and get her to do what I wanted her to do.

In the beginning, I was going to have her smuggle the phone in for me, but when I asked her, she was too scared to do it. Thank God for Raynell, right? It’s been years that I’ve been dealing with both Shae and Krystal, and although it was fucked up that I was messing around on my shorty, I swear I just liked the attention that Krystal gave me.

Shae had her own shit going on back home, and at times, she had a way of making me feel like I wasn’t a priority for her anymore, so I needed Krystal to fill that void. Krystal just may be the one to ride this shit out with a nigga because deep down in my heart, I felt like I’d lost Shae for good.

I was never able to hear back from Dino because without any money on the books, I couldn’t call, so I didn’t know what went down that night. Out of all the times that the prison could have decided to do a sweep, they would do the shit when I had some important shit going down back home. All I really wanted to know was if Dino was able to get the job done or not. Was that pussy ass nigga Miami still breathing, or what? Aside from that, today was visitation day, and Krystal was coming down to see me.

I could use the visitation since nobody had been this way to see me in over a month. Right now, I was just sitting down at the foot of my bed, waiting for Raynell to unlock the cell, so I could go down. It took about twenty more minutes for me to hear keys jingling in the hallway. I stood up because I knew that it was her. For whatever reason, I ended up smiling when I saw her. Maybe because the prison had been on lockdown, so I really hadn’t seen her in about two weeks.

“Let me find out you missed me,” she said, using her key and pulling the gate back.

The first thing I noticed about her was that she’d straightened her hair. I didn’t even know that her hair was that damn long because she was natural. Her shit was pulled back in a ponytail, and it looked like a weave. Funny how her hair being styled like that had me thinking about Shae. To me, Shae was her finest when her hair was pulled back because I got the chance to really appreciate the beauty in her face.

“I wouldn’t say all of that. It was just different without you around. Where my phone at?” I asked.

“It’s safe. We all just came out of a meeting. Yesterday should have been the last sweep until next month. I’ll have it back in here by the time you get back from your visit. Krystal this time, huh? Boy, you are a mess. I’m glad I found my fuckin’ sense,” she said.

The last part had me giving her the side eye.

“Fuck is that supposed to mean?” I questioned.

“It means exactly what I said. I’m glad I woke up and smelled the coffee. You got your baby mama coming down here to see you, your sideline, and whoever else you have on your visitation list. You’re just like a dog ass nigga out in the streets. Only difference is that you’re locked up. Whatever dealings you and I had with each other went out the window the day I had to have an abortion. You’re fine, Trip, I think you know that, but my freedom and my wellbeing are more important.

“Although I’m a correctional officer, I don’t find pleasure in knowing that you, along with these other black men, are in here serving life sentences. I don’t like the fact that this is your future, so I will continue to look out and bring you the phone, but that’s it. The fuckin’ that you and I used do, it’s a wrap,” she said.

I laughed right in her face as I pulled down on my beard.

“You don’t even believe that bullshit, yo! You not going to find another nigga to do your body the way that I do! You even told me that shit. You just in your feelings right now, love, because you see I got another bitch coming to see me. You’ll get your chance with me when I get back,” I cockily shot back.

“I’ll let my actions speak for me,” she called out.

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