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“Aww.” Crispin laughed. " Such a shame, crybaby. I think this is basically your last chance to drink out of a red Solo cup. You ain’t getting any younger.”

Sometimes it was so easy to forget how close we used to be. “Those are still a thing?”

"Why don't you find out?" Getting up, he grabbed his backpack. "My place. Nine Friday night. We're having a little get together since my... mom and sister will be out of town.”

I looked down, feeling the shame burning me. And that's all my fault.

"Why Crispin Dalton," Estella purred. “Are you extending the invite?”

"Yeah. Bring some friends." He glanced at the cheerleaders with a smirk. "Got the address, yeah?"

"Yeah," I whispered.

"Cool, maybe we'll drop by." Estella shrugged.

"See you then. Maybe."

Estella and I locked eyes, and I sighed deeply. “Tins,” she sighed. “Why are you fighting this? I mean, he’s literally offering to make your life easier.”

“I don’t need his help,” I muttered. “And I don’t want to go to his stupid party.”

“I think you should,” she said. “It’ll be good for you. Like Crispin said, it’s time to bury the hatchet.”

“I don’t know.”

“Come on,” she insisted. “I’ll even keep you company, so you don’t have to deal with him too much.”

“Maybe,” I muttered, making her squeal in excitement.

"Okay, get ready at my place on Friday," Estella said. "You do the hair; I'll pick the outfits."

“I really…” I started. “I really don’t think I should go.”

“What? You’ve got to go. His parties are legendary.”

“But, Stells, I can’t just go to Crispin Dalton’s house. My mom would kill me.”

“So, don’t tell her.” She grinned wickedly. “We’ll tell her the party’s at my place.”

I gave her a doubtful look, trying to ignore the hopeful beat of my heart. "Deal.”

He did invite me, which means…he doesn't hate me. Maybe. Possibly. Probably.

We finished our lunch, but by the time we were done with our food, I felt increasingly more guilty about the Andromeda thing and how I'd pretended not to see her in the cafeteria.

Estella walked me to my next class, and we hugged goodbye. I wouldn't see her again until the next day. She was already on her way to her classroom when I spoke up.

"Hey, Estella?"

She turned to face me again, her grin so pearly white it was almost blinding. "Yeah?"

"Um, I was wondering if I can invite someone for Friday," I said.

"Oh God," she rolled her eyes. "Don't tell me it's that Andromeda girl."

I stayed sheepishly quiet, and she groaned, shaking her head. "Honestly, Tinsley, there are cooler people who need your charity way more than that girl."

"She's really good at makeup," I offered. "Maybe she can help us get ready."

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