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“The first few times we were allowed to be together we were chaperoned. It sounds old-fashioned, but my mother thought since he was so much older than me, that it would be for my own benefit. I think maybe deep down, she knew what Alexander was after.”

Vivien has a faraway look in her eyes, but continues.

“I made a promise to sneak out one night and meet him at the park. He picked me up in a brand-new car, and I felt like Cinderella. But there was something different in him that night and as soon as the door shut behind me, I knew I’d made a mistake.”

Vivien looks down at her hands and lets out a sigh.

“I was too ashamed to tell anyone what he’d done. I’d said no, and tried to stop him, but he was so much stronger than me. I knew no one would believe me. I was a young girl that had sneaked out, and he was so charming and knew how to make people believe him. I’d hoped after that night he got what he wanted, and would leave me alone. I avoided seeing him, and tried to forget the rape. When I found out I was pregnant, I didn’t have any options. I sat down and told my parents, and I explained what happened. But they didn’t believe me, just as I had assumed. They contacted Alexander and said he had to marry me, and he agreed. I didn’t want to, because I knew what kind of man he was, but they said if I didn’t that they’d kick me out. I had no real education and no money, but I still refused. I would have rather lived on the streets than go to him willingly. I was surprised that he agreed to the marriage, but I think he liked the idea of control. So when I said no, all it did was whet his appetite.”

My heart breaks for her, knowing there are so many women who have gone through terrible things like her, and have no choice.

“When I held my ground, he threatened to take the baby. It was his only bargaining chip, and he used it. So I thought that if I went along, that maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. He had money, so I knew our baby would be provided for, and I told myself that I would make it work. I knew there was something about his business dealings that wasn’t honest, but I ignored it. Looking back, I wish I’d fought harder.”

“You did what you could,” Oz says from the fountain, still not looking over at us.

“He started hitting me after I gave birth. And that’s when the real monster came out. He would be gone all hours of the night and come home smelling like alcohol or other women, and find something to yell at me about. I tried to leave so many times, but he always threatened to take my son from me and never let me see him again. And I knew that if Miles was left alone with Alexander he would fill his head with lies about me. I couldn’t bear the thought of never seeing my child, and thinking that he might hate me one day if I did leave. Alexander never laid a hand on our son, and I made sure I never gave him another baby. The day Miles turned eighteen I told him everything and we left together. I walked out with only the clothes on my back and went to stay with a friend. Miles had a scholarship to Yale, and the trust fund that was in his name Alexander couldn’t touch. When Miles turned eighteen, Alexander didn’t have anything to hold over my head anymore, and by that time I think he was bored of me. There wasn’t anything else he could do to hurt me, and he knew it.”

“I never knew,” Oz says through gritted teeth.

“He kept it away from you, from everyone as much as possible. He had an image to uphold. He was grooming Miles to do his dirty work, but I wasn’t going to stand by and let that happen. We found out later what he was truly capable of. I didn’t want Miles to become like his father, but I never meant to send him down a path of revenge.”

“Revenge?” I ask, looking between the two of them. Wondering what Oz had planned.

“Miles wants to make him pay for what he did to me, but that’s not why I told him. I told him the whole story so Miles wouldn’t follow in his footsteps, not so he would hate him.”

Vivien looks between us, and Oz walks over to sit down beside me.

“I went back to my maiden name of Osbourne after I left Alexander, and Miles changed his name, too. He went to college, and I was able to get a job making my own money. Miles went looking into Alexander’s past further and dug up some things that made me realize that I’d walked away lucky.”

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