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When I make my way home after the day is over, I have a bounce in my step and a smile on my face. I impressed a few of the department heads with how quickly I caught on to everything and my knowledge of the programs. Day one down and I’m excited for what’s to come. And a little part inside of me is humming with happiness, because in the morning, I have my breakfast date.

Chapter Five


* * *

One would think that having Mallory so close to me after all this time would take some of the edge off. To know I can see her at any moment because she’s only a few floors away would help. It hasn’t. If anything it’s gotten worse.

My already-short tolerance for bullshit is at an all-time low. So much time has already been wasted. I don’t want to do this right now because it’s something that should have been done weeks ago. Before my Mallory even came to New York.

I was sick of this game I was having to play. Sick of pretending she isn’t mine, and making her and I together, common knowledge. It was time everyone knew the truth. These final pieces finally coming together so I could have her.

“These are the final terms you’re prepared to offer?” The lead attorney in the room, Mr. Ware, looks up to me for confirmation. Something he shouldn’t need at this point. We have been after the deal for months. Fuck, it should have been locked up from almost day one. He knows how bad I want this. I shouldn’t even have to have this discussion. We should be on to the next thing already. No wonder lawyers get paid by the fucking hour.

“As I’ve stated several times today and days before, I’m prepared to offer whatever is necessary to purchase this company. This isn’t a negotiation, and if you don’t understand what that means, then I can find someone else to manage this deal.” I toss my pen on the table, giving him a hard look. I don’t like repeating myself over and over again and that seems to be what I’m having to do here. What’s the point of hiring the best if I have to go behind him? I would call and make the deal myself but I’m trying to keep it hidden that Osbourne Corp is the one after the deal until it’s done. “Ask them what they want and give them the fucking money.”

“Yes, Mr. Osbourne. We’ll present this new deal and let their team know that we are more than happy to entertain any offers they have.” He looks sheepish and goes back to the papers in front of him, straightening them. I don’t know if I’m impressed I’ve intimidated one of the best lawyers in New York or annoyed.

“We aren’t happy to entertain.” I clip the last word to get my point through as I stand. “The only deal I want is the one where you ask them how much and give it to them. In fact offer over their asking price.”

“But sir, I think we could get it for less, maybe even—”

I slam my hand down on the table making the whole thing rock. All three of the attorneys give a jerk back, surprised at my reaction. My assistant, Jay, doesn’t even flinch, the bored look on her face not changing.

“You seem to have no problem wasting my money when it comes to your services, Mr. Ware.” I flatten my hand on the wood table, edging forward. My palm still stings from when I hit the table, but that helps dull the pain I’ve had deep inside me since I saw Mallory Friday night.

“Sir—” he tries again, but I don’t let him. He’s wasted enough of my time on this, and either it ends right now, or I’ll end him.

“Get it done or.” I flip my wrist in a tossing gesture not finishing the sentence. He gets it. I can tell by the widening of his eyes he does. Everyone in the room does. He might be a top attorney but if anyone knows that I get my way, it’s him. He’s been working with me for years. No one stands between me and my end result. Maybe for a moment, but in the end I get what I’m after, and Mr. Ware has witnessed many of those dealings.

Maybe the threat is fucked-up, but when it comes to this, to her, I don’t care. I’ll do anything including getting my hands dirty if I have to. A trait I clearly got from my father.

“Now, next item on the agenda. Sarah, would you please inform the room about our next potential acquisition. The details are outlined on the PowerPoint.”

I click the remote before dropping back down into my chair and the room turns to the screen on the other side of the room. Sarah, our head of purchasing, presents the data I went over and sent her at the end of last week. On what will happen when we acquire the businesses. All the different options available. I told her everything I wanted and that she needed to put it in a presentation for everyone to see, but I’m still toying with the idea of getting what I need from them and burning them to the ground. They’d probably be better off that way.

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